KEEP IT UP TOS! PHYSICAL DISTANCING IS WORKING By following health guidelines to stay six feet apart and wearing a mask when you leave the house. you are helping stop the spread of the dangerous coronavirus in Northern New Mexico. and preventing a large outbreak that could overwhelm our healthcare system. STAY SOCIALLY CONNECTED We must stay apart during the coronavirus spread, but only physically. Stay socially connected with your family. friends, colleagues and classmates through online tools, by picking up the phone, or even mailing letters. Strong relationships and personal connections will help us all get through this difficult time together. DO YOU NEED SUPPORT? HOW CAN YOU HELP? Nutritious food Safe shelter Make a donation Volunteer Internet connections Personal protection, including masks Diapers and childcare Business advice Mental and emotional support Use your specialized skills Coach a business Mentor a child Drive and deliver goods Visit for information Call 575-205-0045 Email Visit to volunteer Call 575-205-0045 Email CIRCLE WORKING TOGETHER FOR NORTHERN NEW MEXICO The Enchanted Circle Mutual Aid Hub is helping purchase and distribute food. connecting schoolkids to the Inter- net for e-learning, ocoaching businesses through the economic turmoil, raising money for those in need. and connecting people with resources that can help ease their burdens right now. ENCHANTED This is a project of the Taos Community Foundation and the LOR Foundation. This community project came from the guidance of the Enchanted Circle - COAD. MUTUAL taos LOR community foundation FOUNDATION AID HUB A group of bonesses govermments nonprofits. juh-bosed ond community leoders tve formed the Enchanted Cicie Community Organotons Active n Dsaster to support the challenges cur communty foces ond hep fu the unmet needs Cument members of the EC-COAD nelude Cheri Lyon Pastor at EI Puebito Unted Methodist ChurchShared Toble Dovid Eiot. Education and Emegency Preporedness Coordinotor uith Holy Cross Medical Center Lus Reyes CEO of Kit Carson Electic Cooperatve ine. Lisa Oarien. Foundoton Director of Toos Community Founaation David Norden, CEO of Taos S Veley ne ond Susan Cady Evecutive Director of tmhe Toos County Chomber of Commerce Kristina Ortez. Evecutve Drector Toos Land Tust Rasa Ldo CDonnet. Toos Whole eoth. Rich Belis Toun Manager, Toan of Toos and Srert Joramilia. County Manager. Toos County and. Monager of the Toun of Toos KEEP IT UP TOS! PHYSICAL DISTANCING IS WORKING By following health guidelines to stay six feet apart and wearing a mask when you leave the house. you are helping stop the spread of the dangerous coronavirus in Northern New Mexico. and preventing a large outbreak that could overwhelm our healthcare system. STAY SOCIALLY CONNECTED We must stay apart during the coronavirus spread, but only physically. Stay socially connected with your family. friends, colleagues and classmates through online tools, by picking up the phone, or even mailing letters. Strong relationships and personal connections will help us all get through this difficult time together. DO YOU NEED SUPPORT? HOW CAN YOU HELP? Nutritious food Safe shelter Make a donation Volunteer Internet connections Personal protection, including masks Diapers and childcare Business advice Mental and emotional support Use your specialized skills Coach a business Mentor a child Drive and deliver goods Visit for information Call 575-205-0045 Email Visit to volunteer Call 575-205-0045 Email CIRCLE WORKING TOGETHER FOR NORTHERN NEW MEXICO The Enchanted Circle Mutual Aid Hub is helping purchase and distribute food. connecting schoolkids to the Inter- net for e-learning, ocoaching businesses through the economic turmoil, raising money for those in need. and connecting people with resources that can help ease their burdens right now. ENCHANTED This is a project of the Taos Community Foundation and the LOR Foundation. This community project came from the guidance of the Enchanted Circle - COAD. MUTUAL taos LOR community foundation FOUNDATION AID HUB A group of bonesses govermments nonprofits. juh-bosed ond community leoders tve formed the Enchanted Cicie Community Organotons Active n Dsaster to support the challenges cur communty foces ond hep fu the unmet needs Cument members of the EC-COAD nelude Cheri Lyon Pastor at EI Puebito Unted Methodist ChurchShared Toble Dovid Eiot. Education and Emegency Preporedness Coordinotor uith Holy Cross Medical Center Lus Reyes CEO of Kit Carson Electic Cooperatve ine. Lisa Oarien. Foundoton Director of Toos Community Founaation David Norden, CEO of Taos S Veley ne ond Susan Cady Evecutive Director of tmhe Toos County Chomber of Commerce Kristina Ortez. Evecutve Drector Toos Land Tust Rasa Ldo CDonnet. Toos Whole eoth. Rich Belis Toun Manager, Toan of Toos and Srert Joramilia. County Manager. Toos County and. Monager of the Toun of Toos