S SUCCESS STORIES T heve district-wide cu la in Taon Municipal Schools than the the Radults call from their own school years, sad Superdens Valerie Truplo Today, TMS is working to students manes the inerpersonal skis necessary for school, work and less Be Seen, Be Heard. Belong: Taos Municipal Schools are SEL Champions By Dena Miller Social-eminal learning, SEL has become an increasingly val adal protocols across the country, and is based upon the premt self-awas, well-co com with others and problem solving shes are the foundation upon which personal Mark Richen, Duri SEL Condi- nator for the SEL Champion Pro- gram, explained tha sider spects like the and eading shoes of the d all the SEL is the plase the slices LAP TEAM BUILDING (PARTS OF 4) CIAR MARBLE MAST THAIL FROM SUILT S Richens the designed teacher Champions each of the districts five schools Alejandr Gomer Amoyes del None Rand Sancher Gascal, Christine Man Ranch Jack (Tas Middle School and Ad Kosanke (Taos High School) Together, they collabo and implement a wide range of approprute SEL for "Our curicular ded accordance with the protocol accepted by the Collabor for Academic Social and emotional Learning the leading research clearinghouse for SEL, Richen explained There are the SEL signature practices these activitie urgs," coed. "We begin with a Warm Welcome, which is present and then getting to the best hand Enging Strate pes adds the fact thos have an innate attention span of anywhere from 15 to 30 minutes so we baldin activiti breaks that promo focus and learning Finally, we se Optic Close, where dents can on the accomplements of the day Richert meets with his team every Iwo weeks to share ideas and to udding upon the successes of TMS staff and dents and during which "We all learn from each other." He is also mooring the progress of a calming pool incorporado SEL at all three of the elementary schools When a child rongnies that they are not in an emotional or mental space to participate in the learning l Gumy an choose to ea desp ned ting space that takes them through a protocol for naming their feeling bathing and m exces, and seroory activises the low them to manage how they are feeling before being to the leam Le right: Chris Marones Jack Graham G Mark MUDA, Russe Mi This semester, the golf the SEL Champion Programs to bring par ents and students her in partnesh ship and support of what is being in the ass Tach school be child care and food wit be provided and examples of SEL, as will be arodnochen said. If you are courage you to TMS par make note of the des and belown of SEL and the positive learning the tools the fine p And the long lo gram is the development of SEL FAMILY NIGHTS ative practions or a set in defining sessions from 530 to 640 pm) how infractions may be added without the How Do You Feel? "We have seen a rend in the classrooms, both in the gowth of dens minds and their social and emotional well- ng Suprinsendens Trad will conso pode professional noting that d development to the TMS sal in sp of traditional por 31 ents, such as speich W22 we giver den avoid the On we change com Kichert revid The 2022 2023 school year the second year of the SELC place? AN 22 Sancherhe of the SL Champions th S SUCCESS STORIES T heve district - wide cu la in Taon Municipal Schools than the the Radults call from their own school years , sad Superdens Valerie Truplo Today , TMS is working to students manes the inerpersonal skis necessary for school , work and less Be Seen , Be Heard . Belong : Taos Municipal Schools are SEL Champions By Dena Miller Social - eminal learning , SEL has become an increasingly val adal protocols across the country , and is based upon the premt self - awas , well - co com with others and problem solving shes are the foundation upon which personal Mark Richen , Duri SEL Condi nator for the SEL Champion Pro gram , explained tha sider spects like the and eading shoes of the d all the SEL is the plase the slices LAP TEAM BUILDING ( PARTS OF 4 ) CIAR MARBLE MAST THAIL FROM SUILT S Richens the designed teacher Champions each of the districts five schools Alejandr Gomer Amoyes del None Rand Sancher Gascal , Christine Man Ranch Jack ( Tas Middle School and Ad Kosanke ( Taos High School ) Together , they collabo and implement a wide range of approprute SEL for " Our curicular ded accordance with the protocol accepted by the Collabor for Academic Social and emotional Learning the leading research clearinghouse for SEL , Richen explained There are the SEL signature practices these activitie urgs , " coed . " We begin with a Warm Welcome , which is present and then getting to the best hand Enging Strate pes adds the fact thos have an innate attention span of anywhere from 15 to 30 minutes so we baldin activiti breaks that promo focus and learning Finally , we se Optic Close , where dents can on the accomplements of the day Richert meets with his team every Iwo weeks to share ideas and to udding upon the successes of TMS staff and dents and during which " We all learn from each other . " He is also mooring the progress of a calming pool incorporado SEL at all three of the elementary schools When a child rongnies that they are not in an emotional or mental space to participate in the learning l Gumy an choose to ea desp ned ting space that takes them through a protocol for naming their feeling bathing and m exces , and seroory activises the low them to manage how they are feeling before being to the leam Le right : Chris Marones Jack Graham G Mark MUDA , Russe Mi This semester , the golf the SEL Champion Programs to bring par ents and students her in partnesh ship and support of what is being in the ass Tach school be child care and food wit be provided and examples of SEL , as will be arodnochen said . If you are courage you to TMS par make note of the des and belown of SEL and the positive learning the tools the fine p And the long lo gram is the development of SEL FAMILY NIGHTS ative practions or a set in defining sessions from 530 to 640 pm ) how infractions may be added without the How Do You Feel ? " We have seen a rend in the classrooms , both in the gowth of dens minds and their social and emotional well ng Suprinsendens Trad will conso pode professional noting that d development to the TMS sal in sp of traditional por 31 ents , such as speich W22 we giver den avoid the On we change com Kichert revid The 2022 2023 school year the second year of the SELC place ? AN 22 Sancherhe of the SL Champions th