'EDUCATION IS THE MOTHER OF LEADERSHIP. WENDELL WILLKIE FOR ALL YOU HAVE DONE FOR OUR KIDS, OUR FAMILIES, OUR COMMUNITIES... THANK YOU, DR. TORREZ. Pest Fail Aula Un app -THE ADMINISTRATION & STAFF OF TAOS MUNICIPAL SCHOOLS Kamatka Mondrag & been pleasure and prelege to work under De Torer and her pa Her focuon student and community engaged our schools that has made us a better school and community on Twill be mad Anthony Mad PDPADNE Manca Cente LEADER TEAM Gething Analys I has been my prilege to have worked under the section of DeLill Tae Supernandent of Taos Municipal Schools. As a leaders y modeled egy and hard work with high expectations for the sole purpose of doing Her mary accomplishments throughout her career and sta comment to our students, fam Thank you De Torres, to supporting staff and Congrations on your wall Sarah Brady Principal Eos Garris Elementary Yamli Sing 3 Vi Jochen Sie ' EDUCATION IS THE MOTHER OF LEADERSHIP . WENDELL WILLKIE FOR ALL YOU HAVE DONE FOR OUR KIDS , OUR FAMILIES , OUR COMMUNITIES ... THANK YOU , DR . TORREZ . Pest Fail Aula Un app -THE ADMINISTRATION & STAFF OF TAOS MUNICIPAL SCHOOLS Kamatka Mondrag & been pleasure and prelege to work under De Torer and her pa Her focuon student and community engaged our schools that has made us a better school and community on Twill be mad Anthony Mad PDPADNE Manca Cente LEADER TEAM Gething Analys I has been my prilege to have worked under the section of DeLill Tae Supernandent of Taos Municipal Schools . As a leaders y modeled egy and hard work with high expectations for the sole purpose of doing Her mary accomplishments throughout her career and sta comment to our students , fam Thank you De Torres , to supporting staff and Congrations on your wall Sarah Brady Principal Eos Garris Elementary Yamli Sing 3 Vi Jochen Sie