TENT Our seniors need your help! Can you commit a few hours once or twice a month? Join us and make a difference! Volunteers Needed! Transportation You can get the details at taoselders.org Rides to appointments, shopping Social Support Friendly visits Go for a walk with member Phone calls Tech Support Computers, phones, TVs Printers and networking Software help and tutoring . TENT TAOS ELDERS & NEIGHBORS TOGETHER TENT is here to help. TENT Our seniors need your help ! Can you commit a few hours once or twice a month ? Join us and make a difference ! Volunteers Needed ! Transportation You can get the details at taoselders.org Rides to appointments , shopping Social Support Friendly visits Go for a walk with member Phone calls Tech Support Computers , phones , TVs Printers and networking Software help and tutoring . TENT TAOS ELDERS & NEIGHBORS TOGETHER TENT is here to help .