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    March 22, 2023
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SUCCESS STORIES A kany elder if they would be to spend their leat home or in an int tution, and you will ga resounding at home Sometimes, ja alle help is needed to make that possible" Helen Rysk in a December, 2022, Teos News My T the da Rymasks is a bond member and dedicated for Talde and Neighbors Together, a local non-profit organization that, since 2018 has come to making sure that all who need transpona in bo computerance and caregiver neliel and other ser in der to remain independenti accom Taos Elders and Neighbors Together (TENT) By Dena Miller Myceson explained this concept of village inscends however, and her to grass model where like-minded neighbors look out for each other and the scalaging n onckowem Myerson proudly nothin the last six months, TENT had pro vided stance in over 700 service calls, with the volumeer bound and all logoing about 5.300 hours of donated time in addition, TENT is expanding its organized member aves incl modated, regardless of income, she gehenings, cralong classes and book of TENT clubmetings in the wor spoor. And, sometimes, member TENT was awarded as 501(c)(3) just need simple support, the well status thanks to a dedicated seringness calls that can traly make comma headed by quality-of-Me difference for the who live alone Schulu and Bill Waugh, and within from the New Mexico Aging and bong Term Services Departm day. TENT of the 300-song Village to Village Network, Bette Myerson who reside of TENT along with Scho The nationwide network as comms is in developing villages and wa inspired by the 2012 booking Mortal, wen by physician al Gawande "Maybe you need a ride to an ap pointment or to the supermarke or you can't reach the light bu in your celling for Maybe your computer smart phone on Claim forms have got you puzzled she said. These are the types of non-medical services, among man which our members can request to schedule ing with their mission, rested parties can call or email and will be w necessary for members, for three want to make sure acordy sale for all involved parties wow need to make sewe hawa wal ce member of volunteers to cover the needs of our member the du TENT can provide what the potential member good fe, she emphasized. In other Desplename. TENT service that caters solely to an aging population. There are young people who likewise need help maintings, TENT will not scorps me dified, independent style. besto simply grow the village this We de regards of pr angistic relationship ing an oplocen so gen TENT any of member ship choices from annual individual and household ones to a thre mohonal, but M the availabley of scholarships thanks to generous donations which a underwring cated costs. An application for member ship is available online, in keep "If you are a member and call schedule a service, they to be there for you. We would love o see an islux of committed vol in 2023, particularly brom younger and lingual people which would allow us to expand reach and our member Moncury donations are always grally ac cepeed "Operations Coordinater Kate Harris is our only employe Myersen said. In addi Byniki and Sch"The remaining volunteer sal includes board mem bes Robyn Chaves Danel Baum ander James Lodden, Hor Maloney, Reggie Messer, Colleen Shaughney and Dr. Caryly Zoram sk. We also have had worken Ron Tured, Charlene and Gary shape Linda and Terry Thompoon; and se cal media leader Miriam Jones, all of who give lessly of their me to TENT and beyond A caring commney is defined by many thing, but knipis sely one of the most basic components Jo TENT-a, donc on member in this groundbreak ing initiative and help ke songer for all of its residents TENT ROCHE TAOS ELDERS AND NEIGHBORS TOGETHER 5-226-6330 Members of TENT SUCCESS STORIES A kany elder if they would be to spend their leat home or in an int tution , and you will ga resounding at home Sometimes , ja alle help is needed to make that possible " Helen Rysk in a December , 2022 , Teos News My T the da Rymasks is a bond member and dedicated for Talde and Neighbors Together , a local non - profit organization that , since 2018 has come to making sure that all who need transpona in bo computerance and caregiver neliel and other ser in der to remain independenti accom Taos Elders and Neighbors Together ( TENT ) By Dena Miller Myceson explained this concept of village inscends however , and her to grass model where like - minded neighbors look out for each other and the scalaging n onckowem Myerson proudly nothin the last six months , TENT had pro vided stance in over 700 service calls , with the volumeer bound and all logoing about 5.300 hours of donated time in addition , TENT is expanding its organized member aves incl modated , regardless of income , she gehenings , cralong classes and book of TENT clubmetings in the wor spoor . And , sometimes , member TENT was awarded as 501 ( c ) ( 3 ) just need simple support , the well status thanks to a dedicated seringness calls that can traly make comma headed by quality - of - Me difference for the who live alone Schulu and Bill Waugh , and within from the New Mexico Aging and bong Term Services Departm day . TENT of the 300 - song Village to Village Network , Bette Myerson who reside of TENT along with Scho The nationwide network as comms is in developing villages and wa inspired by the 2012 booking Mortal , wen by physician al Gawande " Maybe you need a ride to an ap pointment or to the supermarke or you can't reach the light bu in your celling for Maybe your computer smart phone on Claim forms have got you puzzled she said . These are the types of non - medical services , among man which our members can request to schedule ing with their mission , rested parties can call or email and will be w necessary for members , for three want to make sure acordy sale for all involved parties wow need to make sewe hawa wal ce member of volunteers to cover the needs of our member the du TENT can provide what the potential member good fe , she emphasized . In other Desplename . TENT service that caters solely to an aging population . There are young people who likewise need help maintings , TENT will not scorps me dified , independent style . besto simply grow the village this We de regards of pr angistic relationship ing an oplocen so gen TENT any of member ship choices from annual individual and household ones to a thre mohonal , but M the availabley of scholarships thanks to generous donations which a underwring cated costs . An application for member ship is available online , in keep " If you are a member and call schedule a service , they to be there for you . We would love o see an islux of committed vol in 2023 , particularly brom younger and lingual people which would allow us to expand reach and our member Moncury donations are always grally ac cepeed " Operations Coordinater Kate Harris is our only employe Myersen said . In addi Byniki and Sch " The remaining volunteer sal includes board mem bes Robyn Chaves Danel Baum ander James Lodden , Hor Maloney , Reggie Messer , Colleen Shaughney and Dr. Caryly Zoram sk . We also have had worken Ron Tured , Charlene and Gary shape Linda and Terry Thompoon ; and se cal media leader Miriam Jones , all of who give lessly of their me to TENT and beyond A caring commney is defined by many thing , but knipis sely one of the most basic components Jo TENT - a , donc on member in this groundbreak ing initiative and help ke songer for all of its residents TENT ROCHE TAOS ELDERS AND NEIGHBORS TOGETHER 5-226-6330 Members of TENT