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  • Published Date

    September 27, 2018
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851IANNUAL TH Taos Volunteer Fire Dept FUNDDRIVE x FRIDAY OCTOBER 5TH ISTORI SI Taos Volunteer Fire Department 5th Annual Fire Driwe hesVlnter Five Department, IVFD is aving its 85tk Awal Fand Drive ow Friday Oxtober Sth 201 Fiil be ovat in the cmnty ask ing for cowtribwtions to hedp fhand our gflorts to provide the best psble protection or every residet i our covage area Sance our last Fine Drive the Tas Volnteer Fine Departmewt hes rsponded to dl alls with a otal of 3972 sta howrs inluding 23 Structrefores 1 Bresh and property weat ris. We ae cantly impoving our weekdly training lotal posille withouwt the enrsitycontribuations and sapport frow our commususty. Ow bchalfofalthe Finhhtesat the Tos Vlnteer Fve Department, e weld ske to thassk you for your support and cowtrilotions We are oored to scrve our coowwwity and proud to lume been aéle to srve for 85years Wekok forward to the mawy meore years to come South Captain Serving Taos since 1933 Your Contribution Saves Lives 323 CAMINO DE LA PLACITA TAOS 575-758-3386