n bd gonme hn e the cmm un aberth nd d * SUCCESS STORIES Taos County Chamber of Commerce Cting Catati e enin Taos County Chamber of Commerce pays it forward to improve community access, inclusion and equality ta lat An all-too common scenario in small towm America is the disproportionate numbers of young people tean he pen the oe nhd the nation and tas hanepe dohartagh shuttering their businesses - not because of the pandemic- but due to the fact that their young people e t emen and who leave and never retum. For this reason, in every state in the nation, towns the size of Taos are potental empy graduate from high school and set sail for someplace different. Lata he chenber Shop anda t peope in he com can onen eend Loal Sop Sa and eptaty Ta olyoung people he hagand anbnd many leafor college yet one look at the heed de Mt n ing lrantn ent ng pod on soca meda rng loch and ed okep then don open. A prionte they Suyw t the day pat ot the andemalda memben and the comnunity Community menben Every member ofthe ec proity conobout ty When the mut cmeinte tve bowrdegrtute af Taos Hgh hon tfectively navigte the aly chamber mponded Scholwth srong roots th pen orepandend best weemwhen our chan womaton onmoun gs bren ctvete hee Aingte venot ony the chanberme ter menben onsh The ve dretnd an be h ty e sedcounty n qdetre e Oaerwoed he connetion r bdhe eantemadee or community peste den d te unty teeryng beebe oty ne hee vept ine nd onnde covo i de nthat when the co lywe ty a aptedas p d CCOAD Chanber ofConmemayapp Haly Co onde TasMu hooand u d long to th povidewppot so be junt another chambe grovp of dedicatet unity mem ganedueureys. The n heondeon of la managed ythe y collborngwter peen Tn, Taon Mant. Ton ey Chabe tge ptio LO n Foundtion Te Conects. To Community undaton d and the e ten mationte onomy ng nd o the thanber pd W pafr Code M e ng ta ing hechabe Paa. Tas etiva a ngetngve hber membes tncunts a everyonewngide Make a plan to shop local and safe Thak youtohe bod TA S this hoiday season whed houg de in thatajobt d be h nd we haandor jta planed forfriday et on noon ta pmil be hednide ine Canon ec Conp parting ot t ymaey ahee pr heat SHOPLOGAL. MASKUP - UNMSAFE n bd gonme hn e the cmm un aberth nd d * SUCCESS STORIES Taos County Chamber of Commerce Cting Catati e enin Taos County Chamber of Commerce pays it forward to improve community access, inclusion and equality ta lat An all-too common scenario in small towm America is the disproportionate numbers of young people tean he pen the oe nhd the nation and tas hanepe dohartagh shuttering their businesses - not because of the pandemic- but due to the fact that their young people e t emen and who leave and never retum. For this reason, in every state in the nation, towns the size of Taos are potental empy graduate from high school and set sail for someplace different. Lata he chenber Shop anda t peope in he com can onen eend Loal Sop Sa and eptaty Ta olyoung people he hagand anbnd many leafor college yet one look at the heed de Mt n ing lrantn ent ng pod on soca meda rng loch and ed okep then don open. A prionte they Suyw t the day pat ot the andemalda memben and the comnunity Community menben Every member ofthe ec proity conobout ty When the mut cmeinte tve bowrdegrtute af Taos Hgh hon tfectively navigte the aly chamber mponded Scholwth srong roots th pen orepandend best weemwhen our chan womaton onmoun gs bren ctvete hee Aingte venot ony the chanberme ter menben onsh The ve dretnd an be h ty e sedcounty n qdetre e Oaerwoed he connetion r bdhe eantemadee or community peste den d te unty teeryng beebe oty ne hee vept ine nd onnde covo i de nthat when the co lywe ty a aptedas p d CCOAD Chanber ofConmemayapp Haly Co onde TasMu hooand u d long to th povidewppot so be junt another chambe grovp of dedicatet unity mem ganedueureys. The n heondeon of la managed ythe y collborngwter peen Tn, Taon Mant. Ton ey Chabe tge ptio LO n Foundtion Te Conects. To Community undaton d and the e ten mationte onomy ng nd o the thanber pd W pafr Code M e ng ta ing hechabe Paa. Tas etiva a ngetngve hber membes tncunts a everyonewngide Make a plan to shop local and safe Thak youtohe bod TA S this hoiday season whed houg de in thatajobt d be h nd we haandor jta planed forfriday et on noon ta pmil be hednide ine Canon ec Conp parting ot t ymaey ahee pr heat SHOPLOGAL. MASKUP - UNMSAFE