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  • Published Date

    November 14, 2019
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SUCCESSSTORIES Taos Chamber: Your Success is Our Success BYMANDY SOTELO Taos Chamber Cims Table Advisors f youse in bsines in Taos County, you hase a handy team of l dedicated to helping you achieve in 2019 that helped inge w ideas for the new your goals. The Taos County Chamber of Comsmetoe decade ooks aer the interests of the local busines coemunity with an enthias that can cely come from ke-minded individal s membenhip i made up of Seoe businesmen and-womm with a wll a targred commites made up of local business pesentatives She recals a particulaty moving Taon Plaa Lhve The Edoction Comnitee, for eamgle,conerbutes to the wel-being of Taos County by focusing on researh and training resouces Sor local educatons employer and their employen, while the Chamber Ambasaons k to by enging them in evenes lke ribbon cuting and grand openings Mix-and Meets and other S REASONS TO JOIN the Taos County Chamber of Commerce OP ANuce roCh ne tand netain members coemitment to ocess yof o Our members ae fercely koyal, as w ane to them id Ta Chamber Ecutive Director Sasun Cad cs o Ow boe a to new e Tas Chamber functions The Govermment ain Commtr s Tacs County' voice in the coention wath dected oficials, with a goal of peonoting a sastainable emioonment foe biness in To be ivolved in the Tas Chamber is to actively punue a healthy businns evironment by adding your strengths, k and talets to a diene poo ofesoerces put towork in developing un initiatives and advocy program community evnts, networking opotunities and publoty stratgies It is this coopeation that makes pouble popular comunity ewnts lke Ta Plaa Le which is about o eer s 30th yeat, acconding to Cady,who noted that big things are in sore for its 2020 nup Choour o o w n d and our ares OTY AN uTY Sconfal trainings and sminars on cusoer i leadenhi and NM Workdoece Solutions Employmt Lae foe Bsiness Ownes ae among the countles servkes that have been grovided as ret of these commite wok w buine vty nd noe comme Chanter omnbetyadon for he e d ee o Otr gh e One fresh innovatioe introdoced this year is member to member educational ghering known nLunch and les in which the community i imviod to share a lnch hour dcumion on a topic ter frimbhip dance, in which they pulled poople peemted by a Taos Chamber mnbe The sopks o in from the cd and had this hoge line of dancingar have been wide ranging incloding Accepting and Uedentanding the Cutore and Thadaiom of Taos and viaions-a cwght up in this friendhip dano Pbla Solar Powt, Social Security, Esential Os T Pelo Night was the most magical ight of the year she said. "During intermision we had Tas Publo singens drummers and dancers doing wbudon some of this years es wile incorporing new themes aniqu o donmunity she sid indoding Pueble residents and all ber esidents what that will look Me has yet so be annced b wi ely indode special tribunes so the art comanity and Pelo ceure and Travel, to name a few Maintaining a contiouoas stream of activities kes hand work dedation and organiation Toccomploh this Caly along with Directoe of Memberhip and Ets Lindey Platf ain, have the support of the Taos Chamber Boand of Directoes The ide Moving ino a new decade the Taos Chamber enoourags input from all mebers of the community so hep kop our local buine munity moing in a strong, postive diection is to share the sse of commanity tht Ts Paze Live crees with a thee dif ts thit make up our strong vital fen community ad Cady. why were all be Think LOCAL first! TA S Put your money where your heart is during the holiday season and everyday shopping. Check out HOT DEALS & Specials on LOCAL RASUESS SOe Fy & ev eaming ty APay b y ter t OEOF CONNER w s Sho bEy hnb yA a ays Mt wc o AVER mu w pgn SUCCESSSTORIES Taos Chamber: Your Success is Our Success BYMANDY SOTELO Taos Chamber Cims Table Advisors f youse in bsines in Taos County, you hase a handy team of l dedicated to helping you achieve in 2019 that helped inge w ideas for the new your goals. The Taos County Chamber of Comsmetoe decade ooks aer the interests of the local busines coemunity with an enthias that can cely come from ke-minded individal s membenhip i made up of Seoe businesmen and-womm with a wll a targred commites made up of local business pesentatives She recals a particulaty moving Taon Plaa Lhve The Edoction Comnitee, for eamgle,conerbutes to the wel-being of Taos County by focusing on researh and training resouces Sor local educatons employer and their employen, while the Chamber Ambasaons k to by enging them in evenes lke ribbon cuting and grand openings Mix-and Meets and other S REASONS TO JOIN the Taos County Chamber of Commerce OP ANuce roCh ne tand netain members coemitment to ocess yof o Our members ae fercely koyal, as w ane to them id Ta Chamber Ecutive Director Sasun Cad cs o Ow boe a to new e Tas Chamber functions The Govermment ain Commtr s Tacs County' voice in the coention wath dected oficials, with a goal of peonoting a sastainable emioonment foe biness in To be ivolved in the Tas Chamber is to actively punue a healthy businns evironment by adding your strengths, k and talets to a diene poo ofesoerces put towork in developing un initiatives and advocy program community evnts, networking opotunities and publoty stratgies It is this coopeation that makes pouble popular comunity ewnts lke Ta Plaa Le which is about o eer s 30th yeat, acconding to Cady,who noted that big things are in sore for its 2020 nup Choour o o w n d and our ares OTY AN uTY Sconfal trainings and sminars on cusoer i leadenhi and NM Workdoece Solutions Employmt Lae foe Bsiness Ownes ae among the countles servkes that have been grovided as ret of these commite wok w buine vty nd noe comme Chanter omnbetyadon for he e d ee o Otr gh e One fresh innovatioe introdoced this year is member to member educational ghering known nLunch and les in which the community i imviod to share a lnch hour dcumion on a topic ter frimbhip dance, in which they pulled poople peemted by a Taos Chamber mnbe The sopks o in from the cd and had this hoge line of dancingar have been wide ranging incloding Accepting and Uedentanding the Cutore and Thadaiom of Taos and viaions-a cwght up in this friendhip dano Pbla Solar Powt, Social Security, Esential Os T Pelo Night was the most magical ight of the year she said. "During intermision we had Tas Publo singens drummers and dancers doing wbudon some of this years es wile incorporing new themes aniqu o donmunity she sid indoding Pueble residents and all ber esidents what that will look Me has yet so be annced b wi ely indode special tribunes so the art comanity and Pelo ceure and Travel, to name a few Maintaining a contiouoas stream of activities kes hand work dedation and organiation Toccomploh this Caly along with Directoe of Memberhip and Ets Lindey Platf ain, have the support of the Taos Chamber Boand of Directoes The ide Moving ino a new decade the Taos Chamber enoourags input from all mebers of the community so hep kop our local buine munity moing in a strong, postive diection is to share the sse of commanity tht Ts Paze Live crees with a thee dif ts thit make up our strong vital fen community ad Cady. why were all be Think LOCAL first! TA S Put your money where your heart is during the holiday season and everyday shopping. Check out HOT DEALS & Specials on LOCAL RASUESS SOe Fy & ev eaming ty APay b y ter t OEOF CONNER w s Sho bEy hnb yA a ays Mt wc o AVER mu w pgn