success stories Commitment to quality Metric Motors BY ONDY BROWN buyer for European and other foreign met Metcan so that they can keep up ric Moton on the with changing technol southide of T The technicians Owner Juan Mates digital inspection of the whole is training new technician car. The customers to Jo Aguirre They are best that information including pho or a yellow VW that s, videos, notes and estimates belongs to a long time comer The customer canvi looking at a problem with the real time what is being done to their This helps the customer see the prob the tools are whicle mass on son of which is are urgent or a risk to safety and which are a maintenance concern that can notic Tool that helps to identify whicle problems Much has changed in the tomotive world since Metric Moon founded in 191 from advanced technology inician can to the migration of the repair information to an online web-based Motors, sose things like their he handled at a future time Shop owner and master tech- Joan Muñon does all the diagnostics hield and has been job" Head that the p ning his skills over the last welcomes customers to stop by 20 He has in the so of best specialty tools for dagsak a question "Our doors are to pen changed in more than 50 years Commitment to identify the problem and fix it Working hard to any including new lifts in the service bht the shop four e Fat Bother La years ago from former owner sted as a technician and moved from shop formas to shop manager. He helps train exit the sechnicians and the service whicle problem in one of the comments to quality at Met advisers, as well as working on for hending to employees Community dedication During the want to make people feel wel-Canyon-Hermin Peak Flor strive to Motors was there to do create the best place for custom their part to support the comm en-dac's our most important nity Fire trucks were serviced goal. We want everyone to feel often on the same day they were comfortable and that they are brought in "We made sime treated fairly and respectly to fix que few fire trucks said Las "We didelt inconve Commitment nince other customers, but we found time to service the trucks quickly so they could be back on the fire. The firefighterup there trying to do something for New Mexico and we wanted to support their efforts for 13 years and service advisor De Vigil for 25 years Along with creating grat care of the problem identified by the technis ging actually fix the wh place for customers, Metric to be 100 penyenture before any work is done. The possible solution is tested, diagnosed checked and the is te Metric Moton contacted the shelter at the Juan L. Goncales Commitment to customer service Longine service advisen Vigil help and Center to ask what diven to in the problem med, which is to work Matos. He locks at almost every with e customer in an honest, whicle to make are the technidional, cousand cian is on the right path befEach service abschnicians the recommended servions are done. Metric Motors has the m up-to-date diagnostic tools Moton is committed to mak ing a great environment for their staff to work. The shop rently invested in a new air conditioning tem for the work the roof is solar and helps keep the building cool in the summer and warm in the winter. New have been added and training for camers with the shop Three service advison and Down Mondragon who works with parts and inentury round out the shop staff of 12 ord also be knowledgeable and answer questions clearly that the customer can make good decis about proceeding with the work the shop could do for those who had been displaced from their homes Wher we offered our help, we got a call from a local pastor about a woman who had been evacuated and was saying in her car, which had broken down Motric Motors went and gue the car and fixed it without charge, remembered Laks In another case, Metric Moton loaned out to customer who had been evacu sted and had his car break down. They allowed another customer to store his vehicles at their yard explained Lain. "Bryday 1 make a schedule for each techni-"We were trying to help as much can bed on how long the job will take. Wy to be dair to ewryone including our long time and new night now, we are scheduling sewal weeks out, but I try to work with we could said Lais. "We want to give something back to the community. If customers want to their vehicle, there is a long with coffee, water and soda, and Wi-FL There are plans to improve the lounge so that it even more comfortable. For show who need to get to work or home, a service aer can provide a ride "We are not trying to be better than other shops, explained Lais. "We are just trying to be better than we were last year and en la mod. 2f the customer walks out happy reliable and takes themsely and efficiently from point A to Keeping the work flowing Summer is extremely buy with visitors as well as locals bringing whicles to the shop can wait for an appointment in everal weeks their criters by bearing about the problem over the phone and entifying whether their pro Luis Mur Service adviser Dave Viel taka to customer by phone regarding scheduling an appointment Metric Motors 1314 del Sur 570- success stories Commitment to quality Metric Motors BY ONDY BROWN buyer for European and other foreign met Metcan so that they can keep up ric Moton on the with changing technol southide of T The technicians Owner Juan Mates digital inspection of the whole is training new technician car . The customers to Jo Aguirre They are best that information including pho or a yellow VW that s , videos , notes and estimates belongs to a long time comer The customer canvi looking at a problem with the real time what is being done to their This helps the customer see the prob the tools are whicle mass on son of which is are urgent or a risk to safety and which are a maintenance concern that can notic Tool that helps to identify whicle problems Much has changed in the tomotive world since Metric Moon founded in 191 from advanced technology inician can to the migration of the repair information to an online web - based Motors , sose things like their he handled at a future time Shop owner and master tech Joan Muñon does all the diagnostics hield and has been job " Head that the p ning his skills over the last welcomes customers to stop by 20 He has in the so of best specialty tools for dagsak a question " Our doors are to pen changed in more than 50 years Commitment to identify the problem and fix it Working hard to any including new lifts in the service bht the shop four e Fat Bother La years ago from former owner sted as a technician and moved from shop formas to shop manager . He helps train exit the sechnicians and the service whicle problem in one of the comments to quality at Met advisers , as well as working on for hending to employees Community dedication During the want to make people feel wel - Canyon - Hermin Peak Flor strive to Motors was there to do create the best place for custom their part to support the comm en - dac's our most important nity Fire trucks were serviced goal . We want everyone to feel often on the same day they were comfortable and that they are brought in " We made sime treated fairly and respectly to fix que few fire trucks said Las " We didelt inconve Commitment nince other customers , but we found time to service the trucks quickly so they could be back on the fire . The firefighterup there trying to do something for New Mexico and we wanted to support their efforts for 13 years and service advisor De Vigil for 25 years Along with creating grat care of the problem identified by the technis ging actually fix the wh place for customers , Metric to be 100 penyenture before any work is done . The possible solution is tested , diagnosed checked and the is te Metric Moton contacted the shelter at the Juan L. Goncales Commitment to customer service Longine service advisen Vigil help and Center to ask what diven to in the problem med , which is to work Matos . He locks at almost every with e customer in an honest , whicle to make are the technidional , cousand cian is on the right path befEach service abschnicians the recommended servions are done . Metric Motors has the m up - to - date diagnostic tools Moton is committed to mak ing a great environment for their staff to work . The shop rently invested in a new air conditioning tem for the work the roof is solar and helps keep the building cool in the summer and warm in the winter . New have been added and training for camers with the shop Three service advison and Down Mondragon who works with parts and inentury round out the shop staff of 12 ord also be knowledgeable and answer questions clearly that the customer can make good decis about proceeding with the work the shop could do for those who had been displaced from their homes Wher we offered our help , we got a call from a local pastor about a woman who had been evacuated and was saying in her car , which had broken down Motric Motors went and gue the car and fixed it without charge , remembered Laks In another case , Metric Moton loaned out to customer who had been evacu sted and had his car break down . They allowed another customer to store his vehicles at their yard explained Lain . " Bryday 1 make a schedule for each techni- " We were trying to help as much can bed on how long the job will take . Wy to be dair to ewryone including our long time and new night now , we are scheduling sewal weeks out , but I try to work with we could said Lais . " We want to give something back to the community . If customers want to their vehicle , there is a long with coffee , water and soda , and Wi - FL There are plans to improve the lounge so that it even more comfortable . For show who need to get to work or home , a service aer can provide a ride " We are not trying to be better than other shops , explained Lais . " We are just trying to be better than we were last year and en la mod . 2f the customer walks out happy reliable and takes themsely and efficiently from point A to Keeping the work flowing Summer is extremely buy with visitors as well as locals bringing whicles to the shop can wait for an appointment in everal weeks their criters by bearing about the problem over the phone and entifying whether their pro Luis Mur Service adviser Dave Viel taka to customer by phone regarding scheduling an appointment Metric Motors 1314 del Sur 570