SUCCESSSTORIES Metric Motors sharpens focus on education, customer service BY MANDY SOTELO MERIG MOTORS Mnc Motors team gets an early morning tart f youe ooe f those among os whe think of our cars and tracka as members od the family, them you've go e righe Look aher it wd nd your vehie w e od cd you and yours ddering y ly y changing whery ch icaad rlnor cla he aid starts wih thr ao his knowledge of the sobject with his tram throgh wkly in house cla level wokieg on tires and oil changes and his ral impulse to maer new sk ok foom there. In the atooe wld whene the way things work is nd lect Hw the electrical y modern omputer-contoled can fanction o Muo had ound place h never gets old he ad ar sdones for yeans to om Taon hve been tresting Metric Motors with their automotive mainteance and repair since Bee ong he was oiving high lewl training voting the shop Best of Tas every year e nearly tw hough various institotes aound the coustrys decades Now that er oe Fran s tarned the inchding Ro Hondo Collegr in 14hee Calosi bsisever oGenral Masager and kongime Metric He qackly put bis ocation to werk for him bere a Motors team monber han Mao, this nable lcal ho, working his way wp theough the ranks t Matric fore remain god hands with a w ower who Mo He spe five yean as masder sechn As the ower of Metric Motors, Maboe aim t ndacate ha team beyond the Autosotive Service Eselence (ASE oncn mained by every ta mber. A the indidal level he strive to help ach ep devdp and sharpes the sane i thet hae bgt and lmetinthe drives toenancr bh the alents and ngndigoic nd becane dfo A ry de cmer erof ry mber f h al mge he pa e ondedo And hemoe iportant fundamental conopt i though edation Accondng so his philowpy, o care or perince is ll aas of the shop from the froet somer cae the ehicde is to care fo the people in the passengers" dnk talking with walk-in customens to diagstics so the utsand-bol wpair and maionane work Mo hi hs aped the newnds of his paic o aing He buit on his customer service ethic wking in lal dning tntsarly his O the an, be har fine-tnol hie undnandns way my g-take care of r ctomms he srteriga ken intes in dscovering sew things and learning more about them He began his carer at Metric Moons in 2004 at the grund f he dectrical aspot of the indutry through special counewok Recognining the inportance of clectrical sce ia theye o ownamly he sad l you wouldt tru pour wie and kds i tht car youe got to being it up your cu function he han begun haing Say i key PFAC 201 Aun is also a cerened dagnestic soecialst Great customer service is what drives oeople in to Meric Motors Joe Franetti and Jun Mue HA mto y METRIC MOTDRS tythn t a M Bs M n n m SUCCESSSTORIES Metric Motors sharpens focus on education, customer service BY MANDY SOTELO MERIG MOTORS Mnc Motors team gets an early morning tart f youe ooe f those among os whe think of our cars and tracka as members od the family, them you've go e righe Look aher it wd nd your vehie w e od cd you and yours ddering y ly y changing whery ch icaad rlnor cla he aid starts wih thr ao his knowledge of the sobject with his tram throgh wkly in house cla level wokieg on tires and oil changes and his ral impulse to maer new sk ok foom there. In the atooe wld whene the way things work is nd lect Hw the electrical y modern omputer-contoled can fanction o Muo had ound place h never gets old he ad ar sdones for yeans to om Taon hve been tresting Metric Motors with their automotive mainteance and repair since Bee ong he was oiving high lewl training voting the shop Best of Tas every year e nearly tw hough various institotes aound the coustrys decades Now that er oe Fran s tarned the inchding Ro Hondo Collegr in 14hee Calosi bsisever oGenral Masager and kongime Metric He qackly put bis ocation to werk for him bere a Motors team monber han Mao, this nable lcal ho, working his way wp theough the ranks t Matric fore remain god hands with a w ower who Mo He spe five yean as masder sechn As the ower of Metric Motors, Maboe aim t ndacate ha team beyond the Autosotive Service Eselence (ASE oncn mained by every ta mber. A the indidal level he strive to help ach ep devdp and sharpes the sane i thet hae bgt and lmetinthe drives toenancr bh the alents and ngndigoic nd becane dfo A ry de cmer erof ry mber f h al mge he pa e ondedo And hemoe iportant fundamental conopt i though edation Accondng so his philowpy, o care or perince is ll aas of the shop from the froet somer cae the ehicde is to care fo the people in the passengers" dnk talking with walk-in customens to diagstics so the utsand-bol wpair and maionane work Mo hi hs aped the newnds of his paic o aing He buit on his customer service ethic wking in lal dning tntsarly his O the an, be har fine-tnol hie undnandns way my g-take care of r ctomms he srteriga ken intes in dscovering sew things and learning more about them He began his carer at Metric Moons in 2004 at the grund f he dectrical aspot of the indutry through special counewok Recognining the inportance of clectrical sce ia theye o ownamly he sad l you wouldt tru pour wie and kds i tht car youe got to being it up your cu function he han begun haing Say i key PFAC 201 Aun is also a cerened dagnestic soecialst Great customer service is what drives oeople in to Meric Motors Joe Franetti and Jun Mue HA mto y METRIC MOTDRS tythn t a M Bs M n n m