success stories VALPA here's a good chance you already s LOR Foundation Supporting solutions to meet community needs BY JAY BOUCHARD the LOR Found tion has supported in To the vibrant mural local artise Lynette Has created downtown the traffic signal lo sporting artwork by high school adents the Tap Community Farmers Market which launched this year to bet en l LOR provided funding to help being each of the initiatives e, and they present jus of the nearly 200 has supported since it began working with Taon more than a decade ag LOR LOR i prodation that works with rural co across the Mountain West to pality of de What chat LR provides fading HOME in the form of grants to local who bring forwand solution officer Se Struck Bom and community problem red in Tan, Struck h been ined as a sunteer or board member with community Initiganine and today, the For example, when Tan set its placing prin 2019, kol group T ise for Lie Topher (TILT came up with the idea to pur pose the platic into building material All they needed piece of equip to make To fin making like this, LOR hires locals who ar deeply connected to listen widely for commity through her servior with Rotary. 100% Community, the Ton Housing Pandip and others For example, LOR has helped connect Tanto American Re e Plan At funding in a couple in the mer of 2021 helped wure naal $150,000 in ARPA funding fre programming for nearly 400 LOR hm abe helped fund a constant to the town and county in prog dat improve quality of how a su ARPA funds while making lo hend LOR ewn per a monthly mail ofangr ouro (OR Helps that are can sign up to and I approach the & Civicevice he alway priority for some of that work at LOR with a common cled material has been used interne enhancing livability to build walls and benches at for the city we all love the Quest Farmers Market and Srock sa "I am eager to hear other locations lovi In listening to the community, Struck and her son also look for ways to consed Testational private and public funding and While the res of LO making can be highly visible, the id IT that community other suppen 1Offer is often LOR also conda march that supports community priori ties, combin dekorering what it would take to bring y new spaces like the ones it has fanded in Tan-school scrow New Mexion And, bd by 10 nity sury that identified afford ble honing as the single ping in Tas, the dation helped funda communike outrock "LORD arkly ondentand the need in the unity and being back to places like Tas that o erwis might be left off the map" LORD on ting may all placebo that improve liability fo alle different than when the oration and in T "We understand that city and resources can be limitol in nun thak baitisarly LOR food on gonal grant making primarily in the arm of land and water included a ins early fanding were grants to porta mugronged effort to pe the Re Femand water hed, purchase landexp Fred Bac Park and buy land to help launch Not Forgotten Out macher founded profit dedicated to supporting the wellnes of veterans and their families through agricul and other therapeutic a "En impactfully work was in Tan, we wer connecting with people daly we needed to though-and that's a big part of our min LORtive Gar Wil "We also expanded our appenach, exploring impor on, and health among other thing, becase masof ability are bige still han land and w LORae expanded its place bod work to more commandes in recent years. In t Tas, the foundation is currently working in Lander, WLibby Mont and Corter and Monte Via Colo-and, this month LOR hired a community offer to begin working with Ques What has changed Wi ot, is in ing with people and supporting their "Every solution that we take up, we can trace back to an individual who had an idea had some men and wid want to help my comm Wilt And that wa the ene of the LOR Itapemon with an ide who may is the hand they just need a limle help" to establish the Taos Housing Partnership, anonge and to developing housing in and Foundation LOR around T 212 T Via Romerodde Santana the Commuter Marte. Photo by Kathryn Harga Sleep stands the the perform oto by Karych with a county entra a Live Photo by Bouchar success stories VALPA here's a good chance you already s LOR Foundation Supporting solutions to meet community needs BY JAY BOUCHARD the LOR Found tion has supported in To the vibrant mural local artise Lynette Has created downtown the traffic signal lo sporting artwork by high school adents the Tap Community Farmers Market which launched this year to bet en l LOR provided funding to help being each of the initiatives e , and they present jus of the nearly 200 has supported since it began working with Taon more than a decade ag LOR LOR i prodation that works with rural co across the Mountain West to pality of de What chat LR provides fading HOME in the form of grants to local who bring forwand solution officer Se Struck Bom and community problem red in Tan , Struck h been ined as a sunteer or board member with community Initiganine and today , the For example , when Tan set its placing prin 2019 , kol group T ise for Lie Topher ( TILT came up with the idea to pur pose the platic into building material All they needed piece of equip to make To fin making like this , LOR hires locals who ar deeply connected to listen widely for commity through her servior with Rotary . 100 % Community , the Ton Housing Pandip and others For example , LOR has helped connect Tanto American Re e Plan At funding in a couple in the mer of 2021 helped wure naal $ 150,000 in ARPA funding fre programming for nearly 400 LOR hm abe helped fund a constant to the town and county in prog dat improve quality of how a su ARPA funds while making lo hend LOR ewn per a monthly mail ofangr ouro ( OR Helps that are can sign up to and I approach the & Civicevice he alway priority for some of that work at LOR with a common cled material has been used interne enhancing livability to build walls and benches at for the city we all love the Quest Farmers Market and Srock sa " I am eager to hear other locations lovi In listening to the community , Struck and her son also look for ways to consed Testational private and public funding and While the res of LO making can be highly visible , the id IT that community other suppen 1Offer is often LOR also conda march that supports community priori ties , combin dekorering what it would take to bring y new spaces like the ones it has fanded in Tan - school scrow New Mexion And , bd by 10 nity sury that identified afford ble honing as the single ping in Tas , the dation helped funda communike outrock " LORD arkly ondentand the need in the unity and being back to places like Tas that o erwis might be left off the map " LORD on ting may all placebo that improve liability fo alle different than when the oration and in T " We understand that city and resources can be limitol in nun thak baitisarly LOR food on gonal grant making primarily in the arm of land and water included a ins early fanding were grants to porta mugronged effort to pe the Re Femand water hed , purchase landexp Fred Bac Park and buy land to help launch Not Forgotten Out macher founded profit dedicated to supporting the wellnes of veterans and their families through agricul and other therapeutic a " En impactfully work was in Tan , we wer connecting with people daly we needed to though - and that's a big part of our min LORtive Gar Wil " We also expanded our appenach , exploring impor on , and health among other thing , becase masof ability are bige still han land and w LORae expanded its place bod work to more commandes in recent years . In t Tas , the foundation is currently working in Lander , WLibby Mont and Corter and Monte Via Colo - and , this month LOR hired a community offer to begin working with Ques What has changed Wi ot , is in ing with people and supporting their " Every solution that we take up , we can trace back to an individual who had an idea had some men and wid want to help my comm Wilt And that wa the ene of the LOR Itapemon with an ide who may is the hand they just need a limle help " to establish the Taos Housing Partnership , anonge and to developing housing in and Foundation LOR around T 212 T Via Romerodde Santana the Commuter Marte . Photo by Kathryn Harga Sleep stands the the perform oto by Karych with a county entra a Live Photo by Bouchar