LOCAL TAKE "I love Taos because it is a diverse communi- ty. It's rich in culture and traditions, not to men- tion the beautiful views. Taos Pueblo is where I was born and raised, and our cultural traditions are what have made me the person I am today. Taos is unique and there is no other place quite like it." -Emily Brown What do YOU love about Taos? Tell us at lorfoundation.org. LOR FOUNDATION LOR WORKS WITH PEOPLE IN RURAL PLACES TO IMPROVE QUALITY OF LIFE Photo by Daneeca Vazquez LOCAL TAKE "I love Taos because it is a diverse communi- ty. It's rich in culture and traditions, not to men- tion the beautiful views. Taos Pueblo is where I was born and raised, and our cultural traditions are what have made me the person I am today. Taos is unique and there is no other place quite like it." -Emily Brown What do YOU love about Taos? Tell us at lorfoundation.org. LOR FOUNDATION LOR WORKS WITH PEOPLE IN RURAL PLACES TO IMPROVE QUALITY OF LIFE Photo by Daneeca Vazquez