CHARLES COLLINS A TAOS MASTER"... Mälicent Rogers Museum Einstein mastermind Bronse by Charkes Collins made up of three figures are Sir Isax Newton, Galiko Galiki, and Madame Curie CHARLES COLLINS GALLERY MOST AWARDED ARTIST IN THE HISTORY OF TAOS FALL ARTS FESTIVAL Charles Collins Paintings and Sculpture Oils and Watercolors by Laurie Hill Phelps Oils by Gene Van Natta Photography by Timothy Bunn and Arlo Guthrie Watercolors & Óils by Robert Murray II 115 East Taos Plaza Taos (575) 758.2309 CHARLES COLLINS A TAOS MASTER"... Mälicent Rogers Museum Einstein mastermind Bronse by Charkes Collins made up of three figures are Sir Isax Newton, Galiko Galiki, and Madame Curie CHARLES COLLINS GALLERY MOST AWARDED ARTIST IN THE HISTORY OF TAOS FALL ARTS FESTIVAL Charles Collins Paintings and Sculpture Oils and Watercolors by Laurie Hill Phelps Oils by Gene Van Natta Photography by Timothy Bunn and Arlo Guthrie Watercolors & Óils by Robert Murray II 115 East Taos Plaza Taos (575) 758.2309