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  • Published Date

    March 25, 2021
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Woning wn Ryn on Pechae hoeteg he ter e H dop taly rootsn the omimunity owed ato get a contractor inpectior lender to on te Ine win housJcontin be harku Asa chid, an avid local sports tan and ue nd, now s ceanly the best e to do so t he atorent achnectura es thegons became a Taos Tiger pancpanng ntootul ack o not a bad oneto consider bying propeny won tor adtora Southut ado, avtora Deeta basetet not rey socortem eoncaly rtet s bengted satare Eon and notyoan on won eDer anponeyserior under y lenders. Fegardessotanga Je Moman and one of he get conchenof conversation and epoingyour eotion, and m alnde heresa varietyof loosl and rational esport - Mchal Hersey ang with amoon ta connon wth hetoheph h ndenvatteto help get e banoling. you Aer gradatng in 200e taon to atond Occdertal ColegenLon Argen. Whe hem ON WT THE COMMUNTY CAN DO TO played Dviion colgite soccer and eamed alachelor at Poltca iomoe dege wth an HERITAGET TELL USAUTTUE ABOUT YOUR TAKE the moet vale out of you propety PRESERVE THE HSTOR CULTURE, AND The egion madeup ofamarkaby special and dvee communty R al begrs cogriang LASTLY, HOW CAN PEOPLE OET VOED MEDATELY WITHHELPING THE COMMUNTY and ht him up tor lg mcommendatiomyand look forad hng Anewend in toen you have Pe chake work wih Hyar, do ot hes ov talyand ouewhol orgatore ebety f raneunduandpecting Fest stay medthalocalubotion epng adrce the wlbeng of he communty Meer Neng wthodgngose ehe Tos News Lmtout olter and WHAT WAS THE JOURMEY LIKE RETURNNG he have come beoe usshce or ch doreton opponntes. U socal medc low adtorn enpecialy the indgeroun communty etos rominMon retagam Particpate in convenatiora on loal facbook groun Local Aer gratngo olge had the opootity potng local buinenmad oommunty boardao ginaunal to eTaos Corume taboutthegon BACK HOME Phoserving the community incudeo hng ho teach Englsh to chiden in Sipan. and ta adengmyonmyl Ne naroyout ptandut ass took out moeometon abe of gt e econing M e eng cour ong wth hoe who ato plamed for e Bumme 20 wchienon 1Nery Brn alwayn wiryresponsiu pur needa Evewhe tacing che stuationaha w ewonk tough Sooo was henouied by a tat growng gobal sohcompay inSa Franciscot on.y otlbuiresse by apaep wth local orgiatore and iedabranch of ther marktng team. in the ue of 201,itumede ed my dothe ame tamily and the land and warted toconnact with The umner fm heoing to coordn my consumng their gooda and encounging oten to buinen to help menh our mourtans at Top producing new Reator. of the mountae nd Ta When temourtaina ee e ples of h ohe Ryan Trjio, Associate Broker at Page e Fon MOREFOnMAnION Ryan Trujillo hooughly and bost st delightw deeca etampot San GroupDekhe ay my eroynet of ende g heln any n he bety ha Homeenvicen Taos Fleal Estate|314 Paeo and ech helory f tos wh people We at d. becmeaetoovenbe te e cag tor our de fotunte to ha Del Puebo Norte A Taos, MM8757 upso much of wtee Aopotat my grhe unti hew 100 ye d and tmat ranom .com the need tor retobe ponpruy Prone C S5.70.000 O S75.75.1924 cand tor and loved htem look torard vebster or tollow yiume Shorty aher begiing tha rew caroer. Imet Page an, teran mator te ngnednyo o ca potes and Ryan on social meda HomerM on krowledgandwheaeto an the Queen corngtonteheand wnew Facebook and nstagam ofalta inNoheNw Mce. Pag ha beenamr innce tom hohe leamel wAT YOUR OOAL ASAREALTORT n omin haon perod of me an Oroed ere Haway Mygoetorato ep en Homedenicen tos eal Estate weaatna heing my ow tanywart them t to in the trueet seree land to many degen a lamy comfortat, inowadgeable and confidert wih R: yan Trujilo, a Taos native and 2008 Taos High School graduate has become quite a familiar face in Northern New Mexico over the past year, particularly in TELL US ALITTLE ABOUT VOUR CONNECTION TO NEW MECO tecomunty Orowng up in Taos. v been totunate to be pan ta oyrch con ndet ty an nondy dvee ndpethatsapor of actvies to perenos and breng viees the Real Estate community. He was recently acknowledged aen pele heremay os ich makon tan d place to he and vot-nabg metng which make Taon so unique. Gowing up te lepererced ng ofedtetut tnding to gaden and orchard. oending ne in the mountains sing campng hurtng hepngour own tamly. Webringaunique palt of of ther elwatto be the b them and perence and Jocal knowtedgethose looung ducae pecple bout e comuny to bean oel or pce prety te v tes cen etemto mary u sto he wy p WATS YOUR TAKE ON THE CURRENT REAL er advartgn The way people shop ESTE MAET as one of the top producing Realtors in New Mexico and rde eo Normen he Meco ibing #1 Top Producing New Broker in the Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices system for BHHS New Mexico in 2020. epeencewog ttpdve when thad to u techroogr.and nowlue Mycovection to e as pas bom nd raed here inad Mygranirrts wee te al entte t atty changed, mpecialy The Taos News asked Trujilo about his transition back The tboom he courtr tody hepey on technology to buy but t urige be al toun prcpetynotey and a very deabe piace. Whie tagat maetaho a changng one Th d WATS YOUR ADVICE FOR THOSE LOOKING entory wh meskharder oneconuity THOE WHO MY DE LOOKIN TO SELL nd pecple who se onge em tong balancing talergtom as pce where everybody han a place to into the community and his successful first year in the real estate industry, along with his thoughts on the bustling New on Taos Pa conty commoner, andabu er tor ahich he is probably most wel-nown. Mytathe Philp T corohe b Orandos Pestart ongraty a Soutten at ading pos ndy mote Farona Ma ael ontte specalet foeUS. govermert My tand bgget cpote. Doores o wan ong te BUY PROPERTYIN THE AREATAND TO THER POPERTY OR ANE ON THE FENCET Mexico market and on preserving the rich history, culture, and heritage of the region. d y dev ar uniaue and special in ther own wy. Leam about school distrct aryore han thought about seling her home or PAGE SULLIVAN GROUP A Taos Real Estate 575-770-8650 BERKSHIRE HATHAWAY 575-770-865o 575-758-1924 lomeer Woning wn Ryn on Pechae hoeteg he ter e H dop taly rootsn the omimunity owed ato get a contractor inpectior lender to on te Ine win housJcontin be harku Asa chid, an avid local sports tan and ue nd, now s ceanly the best e to do so t he atorent achnectura es thegons became a Taos Tiger pancpanng ntootul ack o not a bad oneto consider bying propeny won tor adtora Southut ado, avtora Deeta basetet not rey socortem eoncaly rtet s bengted satare Eon and notyoan on won eDer anponeyserior under y lenders. Fegardessotanga Je Moman and one of he get conchenof conversation and epoingyour eotion, and m alnde heresa varietyof loosl and rational esport - Mchal Hersey ang with amoon ta connon wth hetoheph h ndenvatteto help get e banoling. you Aer gradatng in 200e taon to atond Occdertal ColegenLon Argen. Whe hem ON WT THE COMMUNTY CAN DO TO played Dviion colgite soccer and eamed alachelor at Poltca iomoe dege wth an HERITAGET TELL USAUTTUE ABOUT YOUR TAKE the moet vale out of you propety PRESERVE THE HSTOR CULTURE, AND The egion madeup ofamarkaby special and dvee communty R al begrs cogriang LASTLY, HOW CAN PEOPLE OET VOED MEDATELY WITHHELPING THE COMMUNTY and ht him up tor lg mcommendatiomyand look forad hng Anewend in toen you have Pe chake work wih Hyar, do ot hes ov talyand ouewhol orgatore ebety f raneunduandpecting Fest stay medthalocalubotion epng adrce the wlbeng of he communty Meer Neng wthodgngose ehe Tos News Lmtout olter and WHAT WAS THE JOURMEY LIKE RETURNNG he have come beoe usshce or ch doreton opponntes. U socal medc low adtorn enpecialy the indgeroun communty etos rominMon retagam Particpate in convenatiora on loal facbook groun Local Aer gratngo olge had the opootity potng local buinenmad oommunty boardao ginaunal to eTaos Corume taboutthegon BACK HOME Phoserving the community incudeo hng ho teach Englsh to chiden in Sipan. and ta adengmyonmyl Ne naroyout ptandut ass took out moeometon abe of gt e econing M e eng cour ong wth hoe who ato plamed for e Bumme 20 wchienon 1Nery Brn alwayn wiryresponsiu pur needa Evewhe tacing che stuationaha w ewonk tough Sooo was henouied by a tat growng gobal sohcompay inSa Franciscot on.y otlbuiresse by apaep wth local orgiatore and iedabranch of ther marktng team. in the ue of 201,itumede ed my dothe ame tamily and the land and warted toconnact with The umner fm heoing to coordn my consumng their gooda and encounging oten to buinen to help menh our mourtans at Top producing new Reator. of the mountae nd Ta When temourtaina ee e ples of h ohe Ryan Trjio, Associate Broker at Page e Fon MOREFOnMAnION Ryan Trujillo hooughly and bost st delightw deeca etampot San GroupDekhe ay my eroynet of ende g heln any n he bety ha Homeenvicen Taos Fleal Estate|314 Paeo and ech helory f tos wh people We at d. becmeaetoovenbe te e cag tor our de fotunte to ha Del Puebo Norte A Taos, MM8757 upso much of wtee Aopotat my grhe unti hew 100 ye d and tmat ranom .com the need tor retobe ponpruy Prone C S5.70.000 O S75.75.1924 cand tor and loved htem look torard vebster or tollow yiume Shorty aher begiing tha rew caroer. Imet Page an, teran mator te ngnednyo o ca potes and Ryan on social meda HomerM on krowledgandwheaeto an the Queen corngtonteheand wnew Facebook and nstagam ofalta inNoheNw Mce. Pag ha beenamr innce tom hohe leamel wAT YOUR OOAL ASAREALTORT n omin haon perod of me an Oroed ere Haway Mygoetorato ep en Homedenicen tos eal Estate weaatna heing my ow tanywart them t to in the trueet seree land to many degen a lamy comfortat, inowadgeable and confidert wih R: yan Trujilo, a Taos native and 2008 Taos High School graduate has become quite a familiar face in Northern New Mexico over the past year, particularly in TELL US ALITTLE ABOUT VOUR CONNECTION TO NEW MECO tecomunty Orowng up in Taos. v been totunate to be pan ta oyrch con ndet ty an nondy dvee ndpethatsapor of actvies to perenos and breng viees the Real Estate community. He was recently acknowledged aen pele heremay os ich makon tan d place to he and vot-nabg metng which make Taon so unique. Gowing up te lepererced ng ofedtetut tnding to gaden and orchard. oending ne in the mountains sing campng hurtng hepngour own tamly. Webringaunique palt of of ther elwatto be the b them and perence and Jocal knowtedgethose looung ducae pecple bout e comuny to bean oel or pce prety te v tes cen etemto mary u sto he wy p WATS YOUR TAKE ON THE CURRENT REAL er advartgn The way people shop ESTE MAET as one of the top producing Realtors in New Mexico and rde eo Normen he Meco ibing #1 Top Producing New Broker in the Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices system for BHHS New Mexico in 2020. epeencewog ttpdve when thad to u techroogr.and nowlue Mycovection to e as pas bom nd raed here inad Mygranirrts wee te al entte t atty changed, mpecialy The Taos News asked Trujilo about his transition back The tboom he courtr tody hepey on technology to buy but t urige be al toun prcpetynotey and a very deabe piace. Whie tagat maetaho a changng one Th d WATS YOUR ADVICE FOR THOSE LOOKING entory wh meskharder oneconuity THOE WHO MY DE LOOKIN TO SELL nd pecple who se onge em tong balancing talergtom as pce where everybody han a place to into the community and his successful first year in the real estate industry, along with his thoughts on the bustling New on Taos Pa conty commoner, andabu er tor ahich he is probably most wel-nown. Mytathe Philp T corohe b Orandos Pestart ongraty a Soutten at ading pos ndy mote Farona Ma ael ontte specalet foeUS. govermert My tand bgget cpote. Doores o wan ong te BUY PROPERTYIN THE AREATAND TO THER POPERTY OR ANE ON THE FENCET Mexico market and on preserving the rich history, culture, and heritage of the region. d y dev ar uniaue and special in ther own wy. Leam about school distrct aryore han thought about seling her home or PAGE SULLIVAN GROUP A Taos Real Estate 575-770-8650 BERKSHIRE HATHAWAY 575-770-865o 575-758-1924 lomeer