North Central Regional Transit District Message to the Citizens of the District In our ongoing effort to inform the North Central Regional Transit District (NCRTD) constituents about the state of our finances and accomplishments, we are pleased to present this preview to the Fiscal Year 2021 Popular Annual Financial Report (PAFR). The report is reflective of our commitment to preserving the District's long term financial health and is intended to summarize the financial octivities of the Districr's funds that are reported in more detail in the Annual Compre- hensive Financial Report (ACFR). The PAFR also contains information about the district and its occomplishments. A copy of the ACFR is available on at: about us/reports/annual comprehensive financial report. We're proud to announce that the District received the Distinguished Budget Presentation Award for its annual budget for the fiscal year 2021 beginning July 1, 2020, the Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Annual Comprehensive Financial Reporting for its report for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2020, and the Popular Annual Financial Reporting Award for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2020, from the Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA). These awards ocknowledge that the District's financial reporting and management activities are recognized as best proctices in New Mexico, and the nation. Fiscal Year 2021 July 1, 2020, thru June 30, 2021) represented a continuation of the challenges presented by the pandemic and the rollout of voccines with an eye towards a post pandemic environment. Maintaining our response to this challenge, our employees have performed odmirably during the COVID-19 pandemic, confinuing to provide essertial transportation services to the counties of Santa Fe, Taos, los Alamos and Rio Arriba, and especially for those most dependent on transit to get to work, to medical care and access to food and life's daily necessities. Our front-line operators, maintenance workers, safety and security personnel, and support staff have endured these difficult fimes and inspired our organization. Preventafive measures continue to be utilized to manage the spread of COVID-19 by following established guidelines and implementing best pracfices. With over 67 communities and 289,292 ciizens to serve, the crifical role of public transit wos evident, The District, with the Board's guidance, underpinned the fact that the District i resilient, both financially and operationally. Congress continued funding public transit systems with increased monetary resources to help navigate the economic impocts of the pandemic and provide critical essential service. As such, we remain a dynamic, durable entity that serves the public now and into the future. In spite of the challenges the District kept its focus on its long-term financial and strategic opproach in manoging its resources and implementing its copital investment program and planning for the future which included the following: Commenced the construction of a $10,902,064 five (5) bay Maintenance Focility in Española. Began the design of the new $8 million Operations and Maintenance Facilty in Toos located at the intersection of Salazar and Este Es Rood. Initiated the design for the expansion of the Jim West Regional Transit Center in Espanola. Acquired and started implementation of an Asset Management System for fleet and facilities maintenance and management. Completed the Radio and Tower Infrastructure Shudy and launched the acquistion of replacement radios and expansion of towers. Secured $5 milion in federal funding to purchase five (5) electric buses and vehicles, and associated charging infrastructure to be placed in Toos. The aforementioned tems are a samping of the occomplishments contained within the PAFR. As you reod the report and note the accomplishments and services enumerated herein, the delivery of which are carried out daily by many caring team members whose skills and commitment make the District the exceptional transit ogency a is today. We look forward to the upcoming year as we usher in a new era of health and economic recovery in a post pandemic environment and the expectations for a brighter tomorrow. Cordially, Daniel Barrone, Chair and Mayor of Town of Taos Anthony J. Mortillaro, Executive Director To view a complete copy of the Popular Annual Financial Report visit or scan here: North Central Regional Transit District Message to the Citizens of the District In our ongoing effort to inform the North Central Regional Transit District (NCRTD) constituents about the state of our finances and accomplishments, we are pleased to present this preview to the Fiscal Year 2021 Popular Annual Financial Report (PAFR). The report is reflective of our commitment to preserving the District's long term financial health and is intended to summarize the financial octivities of the Districr's funds that are reported in more detail in the Annual Compre- hensive Financial Report (ACFR). The PAFR also contains information about the district and its occomplishments. A copy of the ACFR is available on at: about us/reports/annual comprehensive financial report. We're proud to announce that the District received the Distinguished Budget Presentation Award for its annual budget for the fiscal year 2021 beginning July 1, 2020, the Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Annual Comprehensive Financial Reporting for its report for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2020, and the Popular Annual Financial Reporting Award for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2020, from the Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA). These awards ocknowledge that the District's financial reporting and management activities are recognized as best proctices in New Mexico, and the nation. Fiscal Year 2021 July 1, 2020, thru June 30, 2021) represented a continuation of the challenges presented by the pandemic and the rollout of voccines with an eye towards a post pandemic environment. Maintaining our response to this challenge, our employees have performed odmirably during the COVID-19 pandemic, confinuing to provide essertial transportation services to the counties of Santa Fe, Taos, los Alamos and Rio Arriba, and especially for those most dependent on transit to get to work, to medical care and access to food and life's daily necessities. Our front-line operators, maintenance workers, safety and security personnel, and support staff have endured these difficult fimes and inspired our organization. Preventafive measures continue to be utilized to manage the spread of COVID-19 by following established guidelines and implementing best pracfices. With over 67 communities and 289,292 ciizens to serve, the crifical role of public transit wos evident, The District, with the Board's guidance, underpinned the fact that the District i resilient, both financially and operationally. Congress continued funding public transit systems with increased monetary resources to help navigate the economic impocts of the pandemic and provide critical essential service. As such, we remain a dynamic, durable entity that serves the public now and into the future. In spite of the challenges the District kept its focus on its long-term financial and strategic opproach in manoging its resources and implementing its copital investment program and planning for the future which included the following: Commenced the construction of a $10,902,064 five (5) bay Maintenance Focility in Española. Began the design of the new $8 million Operations and Maintenance Facilty in Toos located at the intersection of Salazar and Este Es Rood. Initiated the design for the expansion of the Jim West Regional Transit Center in Espanola. Acquired and started implementation of an Asset Management System for fleet and facilities maintenance and management. Completed the Radio and Tower Infrastructure Shudy and launched the acquistion of replacement radios and expansion of towers. Secured $5 milion in federal funding to purchase five (5) electric buses and vehicles, and associated charging infrastructure to be placed in Toos. The aforementioned tems are a samping of the occomplishments contained within the PAFR. As you reod the report and note the accomplishments and services enumerated herein, the delivery of which are carried out daily by many caring team members whose skills and commitment make the District the exceptional transit ogency a is today. We look forward to the upcoming year as we usher in a new era of health and economic recovery in a post pandemic environment and the expectations for a brighter tomorrow. Cordially, Daniel Barrone, Chair and Mayor of Town of Taos Anthony J. Mortillaro, Executive Director To view a complete copy of the Popular Annual Financial Report visit or scan here: