Let's Talk About "Home Rule" TOWN OF TAOS "How would changing to home rule affect me?" "Should Taos become a home rule municipality?" "What are the pros & cons of home rule?" "What are the limits of home rule?" We are pleased to bring Taoseños together to ask, learn, and understand home rule. Please bring your questions, perspectives, and comments as we explore the possibilities and limits of becoming a home rule municipality and learn how you as members of the public can participate in the process by submitting a letter of intent/interest to participate as a member of the home rule commission board, if a Home Rule Commission is created. Thursday, January 19, 2023 Town Council Special Workshop Hybrid Meeting 5:00 p.m. Monday, January 23, 2023 Town Council Workshop Hybrid Meeting 4:00 p.m. Town Council Chambers. 120 Civic Plaza Drive To attend virtually, please use meeting attendee link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84057756900 Those wishing to submit comments or questions may contact Town Clerk Francella Garcia at (575)751-2004 or email fgarcia@taosgov.com Visit the Town's website www.taosgov.com for further details and announcements. Let's Talk About " Home Rule " TOWN OF TAOS " How would changing to home rule affect me ? " " Should Taos become a home rule municipality ? " " What are the pros & cons of home rule ? " " What are the limits of home rule ? " We are pleased to bring Taoseños together to ask , learn , and understand home rule . Please bring your questions , perspectives , and comments as we explore the possibilities and limits of becoming a home rule municipality and learn how you as members of the public can participate in the process by submitting a letter of intent / interest to participate as a member of the home rule commission board , if a Home Rule Commission is created . Thursday , January 19 , 2023 Town Council Special Workshop Hybrid Meeting 5:00 p.m. Monday , January 23 , 2023 Town Council Workshop Hybrid Meeting 4:00 p.m. Town Council Chambers . 120 Civic Plaza Drive To attend virtually , please use meeting attendee link : https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84057756900 Those wishing to submit comments or questions may contact Town Clerk Francella Garcia at (575)751-2004 or email fgarcia@taosgov.com Visit the Town's website www.taosgov.com for further details and announcements .