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    August 31, 2022
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success stories Taos Whole Community Health Specializes in Access & Affordability member my be Whole Health, the teie heal care home of Co Medical Dire tors, Lilly Marie Blecher, ND DOM and Anna J. Hooper MD, and their team of pri mary care clinicians who brod Eastern and Western approaches for a holistic, whole prop tient experience. Perhaps Inser known, but equally int To Whole Community Health, the not-for-profit organi zation run by the same team of healthcare profesional with the sme holistic approach to cane for lower in and under served patient populations With a mission to increase to all non-coverable health care services for patients who may not otherwise be able to fed alternative services such as puncture, Naturpathic medi cine, Oriental molicion, and massage therapy, Te Whole apprenticing in the clinic with the providers who helped to had a power Coach for up going into pre-med and medical whool on the the experience had on me. I wted to help increacother forms of care regard of in affordable, conible care Humble roots have been on the receiving fonal med level. ne se wha like to be sick and need some tive cam Tas Whole Health BY AVEN LINDSEY and Naturopathic medicine and have it coed by Med Dedication reaps rewards In that took 18 call the Hesh and Human Services Department to advocate for the people of New Mexico U That Medicaid destination, how did not happen oerly her dedication paid off night Becher fint experienced I think I was put on this plant integrative healthcare when she was 19 years of age, That ceful experience led her to to accomplish this goal and 1 an so proud that we were able to at it done. We live in an amar Licher NO. DOM J performinguunture. The welcoming space Taos Whole Heath Our Naturopathic residents make it possible for us to serve more New Mexicans with Medicald. Our community acupuncture and -LILLY-MARIE BLECHER ing where we can make real chang nity Health established the fin Naturopathic medicin program in the state. In October, Dominique Coton will be joining the Te Whole Health the fourth Naturopathic resident to participate in the succedal pro gram Curton is adege ph dini with sliding pay scale The for donations which help to the services. In addition to the d physical medicineofitive primary care clinics allow them to see more people for a services offered by the eigh members of clinicians. To Whole Health is also home to educational clapp work shops, nutritional cleanses, and sliding scale fee." complementary thepists who provide services ch and marition Dr. Hooper summed up the change the team has seen over the past few years. We are work ing hand to broaden the options in medicine. Everyone deserves equal and equitable acons to health and the healthcare that works for them, and we are a in this direction. "Our Naturopathic idents make it possible for us to serve with Med did Blecher, and our community acupuncture and physical medicine clinic allows them to see more people for sliding scale fee. Once Medicaid covergeweestablished, the need for Naturopathic medicine increased gly, and to meet that need To Whole Comme cal healthcare and plans to offer typical Taos Whole Health Integrative Care Mod 375-776 Hope MD. Andres Bustama NO, DOM, Javier Mare Oreth Adler NO. success stories Taos Whole Community Health Specializes in Access & Affordability member my be Whole Health , the teie heal care home of Co Medical Dire tors , Lilly Marie Blecher , ND DOM and Anna J. Hooper MD , and their team of pri mary care clinicians who brod Eastern and Western approaches for a holistic , whole prop tient experience . Perhaps Inser known , but equally int To Whole Community Health , the not - for - profit organi zation run by the same team of healthcare profesional with the sme holistic approach to cane for lower in and under served patient populations With a mission to increase to all non - coverable health care services for patients who may not otherwise be able to fed alternative services such as puncture , Naturpathic medi cine , Oriental molicion , and massage therapy , Te Whole apprenticing in the clinic with the providers who helped to had a power Coach for up going into pre - med and medical whool on the the experience had on me . I wted to help increacother forms of care regard of in affordable , conible care Humble roots have been on the receiving fonal med level . ne se wha like to be sick and need some tive cam Tas Whole Health BY AVEN LINDSEY and Naturopathic medicine and have it coed by Med Dedication reaps rewards In that took 18 call the Hesh and Human Services Department to advocate for the people of New Mexico U That Medicaid destination , how did not happen oerly her dedication paid off night Becher fint experienced I think I was put on this plant integrative healthcare when she was 19 years of age , That ceful experience led her to to accomplish this goal and 1 an so proud that we were able to at it done . We live in an amar Licher NO . DOM J performinguunture . The welcoming space Taos Whole Heath Our Naturopathic residents make it possible for us to serve more New Mexicans with Medicald . Our community acupuncture and -LILLY - MARIE BLECHER ing where we can make real chang nity Health established the fin Naturopathic medicin program in the state . In October , Dominique Coton will be joining the Te Whole Health the fourth Naturopathic resident to participate in the succedal pro gram Curton is adege ph dini with sliding pay scale The for donations which help to the services . In addition to the d physical medicineofitive primary care clinics allow them to see more people for a services offered by the eigh members of clinicians . To Whole Health is also home to educational clapp work shops , nutritional cleanses , and sliding scale fee . " complementary thepists who provide services ch and marition Dr. Hooper summed up the change the team has seen over the past few years . We are work ing hand to broaden the options in medicine . Everyone deserves equal and equitable acons to health and the healthcare that works for them , and we are a in this direction . " Our Naturopathic idents make it possible for us to serve with Med did Blecher , and our community acupuncture and physical medicine clinic allows them to see more people for sliding scale fee . Once Medicaid covergeweestablished , the need for Naturopathic medicine increased gly , and to meet that need To Whole Comme cal healthcare and plans to offer typical Taos Whole Health Integrative Care Mod 375-776 Hope MD . Andres Bustama NO , DOM , Javier Mare Oreth Adler NO .