OS PROPERTIES PREMIER PONO HOUSE CAMNG INTOWN HOUSE a GUESTHOUSE LA BUENA VIDA STUDIO ELEGANT HOME & GUESTHOUSE BEAUTIFUL HOME ON TALPA RIDGE HSTORIC TAOS TERRITORIAL COMPOUND PENDING SALE PENDING Locad n Pond Vilage on aoandking drce Thie Caming Houe and Gunhoe an stutd on This ty tumisted, inbun cond is bated inla Buera tte Paaiste oigra 2000 f 3 B02 BAracendaf a ered took wtin aking dearce o tn p Vda complerwh beaimanicud goundsand bly te Pond Famly whoh waogaded in 2012 Featurng geres and noe The main 1075 s2 801 BA hoe marinet indvidal conyarts. The loaton s perlect animpresse Great Roon wh mve ka and oary hates a lage county kthen with anple catinets and branyone whoenoys sakingor bking to te Pazl This abvely ognded khen, bma dning on, igt fled paritysoge hingamava ge bedone, coed duming and adonte 318 ssudo s nady bnovein ne sue woodn doon and fooring caned beans cnlinganduesnd gnat esteet The 475 and atures aneficertterane soare landy om, edror coered paliosdds, getaseiscy and onotatle wakhen, pivate andsage lovay ding and ngama ainahgh ha e and so much more. Cal au o tia stuming bat and shaed audy Bot an stuted an a 20 quaity and atacive Maghy bed and a bah, laundy home and specal ppony MLS 10314 The Degrthome and gestaeton 12aoaton This beautty maintained 24153 02 BA adobe edore Taos Tertoral Compountutmarb tal on Buteny H love his dumng 19453 home on he Tapa Rdge ady for new ouners e2303 BD0BAman houseaophiated 1200 B02 BA hone ftngefoon stn a np Boasting omate wood beams and columns, a cuon o2BAapatnet wh gaery hen and two ookrtu chdatu and an pen hen wh pca a fnoace, e foon, a bight tn khen wih stand abre 420 01 BAMy tnited asts ach colano a laenere w e trosop ve courrops a prviofice, a denage ving w ter on pivate seng ama garns ad ha gonds h tndan and a detached 2r gang The moded 4 gto bn on a, an eercse rom and upgrades toughout he Lbs Longy dhe 2000s he propertyfersa rge ndowa piva and tet d stant house. The property aso ofes an oed 2100 4 petberfmoden pgades and ric cham add nome porta Ascoest Atrb ertahry bay garage, and 2 iddional heestanding workspaces asbm buches and dharader hat orly wrtage homes an be shand Calustrd MLSO dyd wh nutn ht es. lasanda od yard oiteson se anda sagon. Calbsetupaut pered r bysoranartttudos Caloday S S75.000 MLSI10S35 can ofer $39.000 MLSI 1045001512 S128,00 BREATHTAKING VEWS ROM EL SALTO $1.95,000 COMMERCIAL INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITY CONTEMPORARY MEITS SOUTMEST CHARMING RANCHOS HACIENDA HIGH MOUNTAIN RETREAT IN TOWN BUILDING SITE PRICE REDUCED Wen ony the best all dod Buid your dan honeontis Ahigh nortan nel ke no oter is now abe t Come see tis gorous tao honeste wh vesof imprive 377aeparcei totuingagman buding tepercaty daceming in B Sats Der 188 as o Taon Mourtan and the sumundng bot Lacded on pad sevenl adooral ares aned out tr stud prate sotude, a mte bd d conder, numerus a quet derta st te propety bo pckcte sa ues on s and unmted vien Loatedbuang ses, mooed ads and ekedic, eany acos ocovnarts and tidons and ues neaty. nddng nbe wddid and pr hih dE Sa yet daeb andated orly min TSV, tissagen. Come se Ton of Taos er and se Captre he igt te Aroyo Secn Tos S Valey and Toan of Taas Cal tb hy hasone te mot deid ocdosin To and ves and te Ne Meoand buid he haenda ham monabout hs unippotnty MLS 10409 Opotunly kads te nerat nestet This 22 B02 BAnon cand as a bey tiend of This Caming 3 Unt Conpes, wih wood foos, coved pooly outed on Po S ta los alorso conpoy and soutwen ss andis de te onlings and mate toes, a sps fon Randhos a sady income san and can cconmode tune pa The 2leunts togy dged bodrgae Puzi and w supise yol Each unt is wel cad o Irart jatoejatoe 750dd'a c Arpe dped ten, he and dring on e sds canfottie and has gut natr t and has b on pha pang undhaped gand and eckrt highay and s foong t pca pn bedo s outioor ana and pakng hs can beastudy tag a bhe rledteny lata tor at my in bakary ah ven, undy om wh income tr te new Bar, a bvely Heme agan os how teao brya.cltraphate tr MLSI 104610 brig your hkng shoes Calbday brmon detal you tee sen in dame ngue tay 1295,000 MLS 1OSS82 newryd ando $295.000 conbruton fbot $13,000 $429,000 MLSE 10S44 MLSI 105435 $369.000 205 RANCHITOS Ro. TAOS www.TAOSPROPERTIES.COM 575-750-9500 COMPETITIVE SERVICE JOHN & LISA CANCRO COMPASSIONATE AGENTS OS PROPERTIES PREMIER PONO HOUSE CAMNG INTOWN HOUSE a GUESTHOUSE LA BUENA VIDA STUDIO ELEGANT HOME & GUESTHOUSE BEAUTIFUL HOME ON TALPA RIDGE HSTORIC TAOS TERRITORIAL COMPOUND PENDING SALE PENDING Locad n Pond Vilage on aoandking drce Thie Caming Houe and Gunhoe an stutd on This ty tumisted, inbun cond is bated inla Buera tte Paaiste oigra 2000 f 3 B02 BAracendaf a ered took wtin aking dearce o tn p Vda complerwh beaimanicud goundsand bly te Pond Famly whoh waogaded in 2012 Featurng geres and noe The main 1075 s2 801 BA hoe marinet indvidal conyarts. The loaton s perlect animpresse Great Roon wh mve ka and oary hates a lage county kthen with anple catinets and branyone whoenoys sakingor bking to te Pazl This abvely ognded khen, bma dning on, igt fled paritysoge hingamava ge bedone, coed duming and adonte 318 ssudo s nady bnovein ne sue woodn doon and fooring caned beans cnlinganduesnd gnat esteet The 475 and atures aneficertterane soare landy om, edror coered paliosdds, getaseiscy and onotatle wakhen, pivate andsage lovay ding and ngama ainahgh ha e and so much more. Cal au o tia stuming bat and shaed audy Bot an stuted an a 20 quaity and atacive Maghy bed and a bah, laundy home and specal ppony MLS 10314 The Degrthome and gestaeton 12aoaton This beautty maintained 24153 02 BA adobe edore Taos Tertoral Compountutmarb tal on Buteny H love his dumng 19453 home on he Tapa Rdge ady for new ouners e2303 BD0BAman houseaophiated 1200 B02 BA hone ftngefoon stn a np Boasting omate wood beams and columns, a cuon o2BAapatnet wh gaery hen and two ookrtu chdatu and an pen hen wh pca a fnoace, e foon, a bight tn khen wih stand abre 420 01 BAMy tnited asts ach colano a laenere w e trosop ve courrops a prviofice, a denage ving w ter on pivate seng ama garns ad ha gonds h tndan and a detached 2r gang The moded 4 gto bn on a, an eercse rom and upgrades toughout he Lbs Longy dhe 2000s he propertyfersa rge ndowa piva and tet d stant house. The property aso ofes an oed 2100 4 petberfmoden pgades and ric cham add nome porta Ascoest Atrb ertahry bay garage, and 2 iddional heestanding workspaces asbm buches and dharader hat orly wrtage homes an be shand Calustrd MLSO dyd wh nutn ht es. lasanda od yard oiteson se anda sagon. Calbsetupaut pered r bysoranartttudos Caloday S S75.000 MLSI10S35 can ofer $39.000 MLSI 1045001512 S128,00 BREATHTAKING VEWS ROM EL SALTO $1.95,000 COMMERCIAL INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITY CONTEMPORARY MEITS SOUTMEST CHARMING RANCHOS HACIENDA HIGH MOUNTAIN RETREAT IN TOWN BUILDING SITE PRICE REDUCED Wen ony the best all dod Buid your dan honeontis Ahigh nortan nel ke no oter is now abe t Come see tis gorous tao honeste wh vesof imprive 377aeparcei totuingagman buding tepercaty daceming in B Sats Der 188 as o Taon Mourtan and the sumundng bot Lacded on pad sevenl adooral ares aned out tr stud prate sotude, a mte bd d conder, numerus a quet derta st te propety bo pckcte sa ues on s and unmted vien Loatedbuang ses, mooed ads and ekedic, eany acos ocovnarts and tidons and ues neaty. nddng nbe wddid and pr hih dE Sa yet daeb andated orly min TSV, tissagen. Come se Ton of Taos er and se Captre he igt te Aroyo Secn Tos S Valey and Toan of Taas Cal tb hy hasone te mot deid ocdosin To and ves and te Ne Meoand buid he haenda ham monabout hs unippotnty MLS 10409 Opotunly kads te nerat nestet This 22 B02 BAnon cand as a bey tiend of This Caming 3 Unt Conpes, wih wood foos, coved pooly outed on Po S ta los alorso conpoy and soutwen ss andis de te onlings and mate toes, a sps fon Randhos a sady income san and can cconmode tune pa The 2leunts togy dged bodrgae Puzi and w supise yol Each unt is wel cad o Irart jatoejatoe 750dd'a c Arpe dped ten, he and dring on e sds canfottie and has gut natr t and has b on pha pang undhaped gand and eckrt highay and s foong t pca pn bedo s outioor ana and pakng hs can beastudy tag a bhe rledteny lata tor at my in bakary ah ven, undy om wh income tr te new Bar, a bvely Heme agan os how teao brya.cltraphate tr MLSI 104610 brig your hkng shoes Calbday brmon detal you tee sen in dame ngue tay 1295,000 MLS 1OSS82 newryd ando $295.000 conbruton fbot $13,000 $429,000 MLSE 10S44 MLSI 105435 $369.000 205 RANCHITOS Ro. TAOS www.TAOSPROPERTIES.COM 575-750-9500 COMPETITIVE SERVICE JOHN & LISA CANCRO COMPASSIONATE AGENTS