SUPPORT EASY ACCESS TO TRAILS FOR ALL MAKE YOUR VOICE HEARD IN SUPPORT OF THE BEN HARPER PROPOSED PLAN YOUR LAST CHANCE TO SPEAK FOR MULTI-USE TRAILS IS TODAY MAY 25TH 5:30-8:30PM JUAN GONZALES AG CENTER 202 CHAMISA ROAD, TAOS. . TMBA supports the preservation and protection of cultural sites throughout Northern New Mexico TMBA supports easy access to trails for all . TMBA recognies that trails close to home make for a healthy community NUSENDA TMBA members maintain mult-use trails throughout Taos County for the enjoyment of all who recreate ADOPT-A-TRAIL Bundary trail mented by the The 121 m Tas Mountain B e partnership with the Enchanted Circle Trails Association and the US Forest Service Carson National Forest www. To adopt a trait, visit Enchanted Circle MOUNTAIN TMBA provides new mountainbikes and gear to youth in our community BIKE TMBA ASSO MATION THE FAMILIES AND FRIENDS OF TMBA ARE HIKERS, BIKERS, EQUESTRIANS, AND HUNTERS WHO LOVE TRAILS AND WITH WHOM WE SHARE TRAILS. One of multiple dump sites above the Talpa reservoir on forest land. The Working Group has proposed five trail plans. View them here www.PS.USDA.GOV/GO/TALPAFEEDBACK then come to the meeting tonight to support your choice for multi-use trails for all A number of the proposed plans presented by Working Group members include a cultural heritage zone above the Talpa Reservoir TMBA fully supports preserving and protecting these cultural sites. However, the lower part of the area that two plans mark as a cultural heritage zone is some distance from these locations. There are known ilegal dump sites littered with hazardous debris includ ing broken glass, needles, nails, furniture and other trash Converting a portion of the maze of ATV tracks in this area into a single multi-use trail connecting to the Rio Chiquito comidor provides unique opportunity to pursue public funds to clean up this dumping area, reduce trespassing and discourage future abuse. TMBA ASKS THAT YOU PLEASE CONSIDER BEN HARPER'S PLAN FOR A WAY TO MITIGATE THIS HAZARDOUS DUMP ZONE. Eu G SUPPORT EASY ACCESS TO TRAILS FOR ALL MAKE YOUR VOICE HEARD IN SUPPORT OF THE BEN HARPER PROPOSED PLAN YOUR LAST CHANCE TO SPEAK FOR MULTI - USE TRAILS IS TODAY MAY 25TH 5 : 30-8 : 30PM JUAN GONZALES AG CENTER 202 CHAMISA ROAD , TAOS . . TMBA supports the preservation and protection of cultural sites throughout Northern New Mexico TMBA supports easy access to trails for all . TMBA recognies that trails close to home make for a healthy community NUSENDA TMBA members maintain mult - use trails throughout Taos County for the enjoyment of all who recreate ADOPT - A - TRAIL Bundary trail mented by the The 121 m Tas Mountain B e partnership with the Enchanted Circle Trails Association and the US Forest Service Carson National Forest www . To adopt a trait , visit Enchanted Circle MOUNTAIN TMBA provides new mountainbikes and gear to youth in our community BIKE TMBA ASSO MATION THE FAMILIES AND FRIENDS OF TMBA ARE HIKERS , BIKERS , EQUESTRIANS , AND HUNTERS WHO LOVE TRAILS AND WITH WHOM WE SHARE TRAILS . One of multiple dump sites above the Talpa reservoir on forest land . The Working Group has proposed five trail plans . View them here www.PS.USDA.GOV/GO/TALPAFEEDBACK then come to the meeting tonight to support your choice for multi - use trails for all A number of the proposed plans presented by Working Group members include a cultural heritage zone above the Talpa Reservoir TMBA fully supports preserving and protecting these cultural sites . However , the lower part of the area that two plans mark as a cultural heritage zone is some distance from these locations . There are known ilegal dump sites littered with hazardous debris includ ing broken glass , needles , nails , furniture and other trash Converting a portion of the maze of ATV tracks in this area into a single multi - use trail connecting to the Rio Chiquito comidor provides unique opportunity to pursue public funds to clean up this dumping area , reduce trespassing and discourage future abuse . TMBA ASKS THAT YOU PLEASE CONSIDER BEN HARPER'S PLAN FOR A WAY TO MITIGATE THIS HAZARDOUS DUMP ZONE . Eu G