The Taos Lilac Festival is blooming in Taos, NM celebrating the heritage of lilacs. the heritage of lilacs. Lilac Siera Vista Cemetery WINDOW DISPLAY LOCATIONS rary KIT CARSON RD Tewe Hall 1. ATOTTYS ON TAOS PLAZA 2 MONASTERY OMEDICTNE MONS OF TADS GFT SHOP WALKING TOUR MAP May, 2021 Palice Ton Art Museum& Fechin Houe 1 TAOS PRINT Fire 4. DRAGON FLY BUE 5. WILDER NGHTINGALE FE ART Saon Enos Garcia Park &Communty Gande 1-22 Lilac Festival Window Display Contest Locations Presbytertn Church PASED DEL PUEBLO Taos tementary Seheel Chvi Plaza Dr Look for Lilac Festival Window Decoration Participant sign in window E SPOTTED BEAR 7. SMMS ART TAOS L SUSH SAM TAOS 9.. MOAEL MCCORMICK& SONS For more information go to: CALLERY K Carson al Park 10. WOODALL ANE ART AND SOUTHMEST FRAMERS TAOS LILAC GARDEN LOCATIONS 11. ANDEAN SOFTWAE Our Lady of Guadahipe Church The La Gardens at TCA ponEemeno 12. DONABE ASAN KITCHEN A Thom Wheelers Studio 13. BALMANN GALLERY 14. CREATNE TAOS 15. MOE FAR TRADE & HANDMADE 16 HTOHNG POST SHE CO. B n on the Ro C. Couse-Gharp Hastoric Site O. Casa Benavides E The Lac Gardens at TCA E. KECarson Park G. Presbyterian Church H. Taos Art Museum & Fechin L Siema Vista Cemetery 1. Our Lady of Gadalupe Church K Inspre (Oid Taos News Bulding L Navajo Gallery M. nger Jrty Gallery N. Bumenschein Museum a De Colores Galery Para OTAOS PLAZA S Para KIT CARSON RO HWY 64 BENT STREET Loes eges P 17. LAS COMACRES GALLERY 18. EARTHAND SPIRT GALERY 19. ENNI GALLERY nger Gallery Casa Bengdes CouseSh Nav Gallery Histir Des Georges Ln PLAZA De Celers 20. MADE IN NEW MEXCO SPONSORS: Taos County Chamber of Conmerce Taos Maindbeet Rie Grande Ace artwart Ta US BANK Feel Design Asociats Toun of Taos Tos County Loe Jardnero Garen C 21. TOUOHSTONE GALLERY 22. NOULAS COFFEE SHOP/ HOTEL LA FONDA DE TAOS Taos Hatorie Waking District te seon somtn en the R The 2021 Taos Lilac Festival will be a virtual event due to the continuing Covid pandemic. There will be lilac themed window decorations and a walking tour map showing locations of lilacs. The Taos Lilac Walking Tour Map has no set times or dates. See and smell the lilacs before the lilac season ends. The lilacs are blooming earty this year. The map can be obtained online or at local downtown businesses on the map and at the Tacos Plaza Visitor Kiosk. We encourage residents and visitors to post pictures of your favorite lacs on our Instagram and Facebook pages. I Taos ACE Rio Grande Ace H us bank FEEL A TAOS NEWS MAINSTREET ardware CERROF COMERCE LICO ME Festvar Lund As PASEO DEL PUEBLO NORTE /HWY 64 e 000 PASEO DE The Taos Lilac Festival is blooming in Taos, NM celebrating the heritage of lilacs. the heritage of lilacs. Lilac Siera Vista Cemetery WINDOW DISPLAY LOCATIONS rary KIT CARSON RD Tewe Hall 1. ATOTTYS ON TAOS PLAZA 2 MONASTERY OMEDICTNE MONS OF TADS GFT SHOP WALKING TOUR MAP May, 2021 Palice Ton Art Museum& Fechin Houe 1 TAOS PRINT Fire 4. DRAGON FLY BUE 5. WILDER NGHTINGALE FE ART Saon Enos Garcia Park &Communty Gande 1-22 Lilac Festival Window Display Contest Locations Presbytertn Church PASED DEL PUEBLO Taos tementary Seheel Chvi Plaza Dr Look for Lilac Festival Window Decoration Participant sign in window E SPOTTED BEAR 7. SMMS ART TAOS L SUSH SAM TAOS 9.. MOAEL MCCORMICK& SONS For more information go to: CALLERY K Carson al Park 10. WOODALL ANE ART AND SOUTHMEST FRAMERS TAOS LILAC GARDEN LOCATIONS 11. ANDEAN SOFTWAE Our Lady of Guadahipe Church The La Gardens at TCA ponEemeno 12. DONABE ASAN KITCHEN A Thom Wheelers Studio 13. BALMANN GALLERY 14. CREATNE TAOS 15. MOE FAR TRADE & HANDMADE 16 HTOHNG POST SHE CO. B n on the Ro C. Couse-Gharp Hastoric Site O. Casa Benavides E The Lac Gardens at TCA E. KECarson Park G. Presbyterian Church H. Taos Art Museum & Fechin L Siema Vista Cemetery 1. Our Lady of Gadalupe Church K Inspre (Oid Taos News Bulding L Navajo Gallery M. nger Jrty Gallery N. Bumenschein Museum a De Colores Galery Para OTAOS PLAZA S Para KIT CARSON RO HWY 64 BENT STREET Loes eges P 17. LAS COMACRES GALLERY 18. EARTHAND SPIRT GALERY 19. ENNI GALLERY nger Gallery Casa Bengdes CouseSh Nav Gallery Histir Des Georges Ln PLAZA De Celers 20. MADE IN NEW MEXCO SPONSORS: Taos County Chamber of Conmerce Taos Maindbeet Rie Grande Ace artwart Ta US BANK Feel Design Asociats Toun of Taos Tos County Loe Jardnero Garen C 21. TOUOHSTONE GALLERY 22. NOULAS COFFEE SHOP/ HOTEL LA FONDA DE TAOS Taos Hatorie Waking District te seon somtn en the R The 2021 Taos Lilac Festival will be a virtual event due to the continuing Covid pandemic. There will be lilac themed window decorations and a walking tour map showing locations of lilacs. The Taos Lilac Walking Tour Map has no set times or dates. See and smell the lilacs before the lilac season ends. The lilacs are blooming earty this year. The map can be obtained online or at local downtown businesses on the map and at the Tacos Plaza Visitor Kiosk. We encourage residents and visitors to post pictures of your favorite lacs on our Instagram and Facebook pages. I Taos ACE Rio Grande Ace H us bank FEEL A TAOS NEWS MAINSTREET ardware CERROF COMERCE LICO ME Festvar Lund As PASEO DEL PUEBLO NORTE /HWY 64 e 000 PASEO DE