Holy Cross Hospital: Meet your New, Better 3D" Mammogram The Health Care Corner - Brought to you by Holy Cross Medical Center You no longer need to drive dense breasts and is voted the to Santa Fe for a top-of-the-line #1 system in the annual BEST digital 3D mammography exam. IN KLAS survey for six years breast tissue one layer at a time. A Genius exam requires no additional compression and Holy Cross Hospital is committed to the fight against breast cancer and is proud to You can now stay right here in Taos for your next state-of- the-art digital mammogram. in a row. This is among the best takes just a few seconds longer be the first in the region to offer technology available, and it's close to home." than a conventional 2D breast Holy Cross Hospital now has the most advanced mammography technology in Northern New Mexico. this state-of-the-art technology. In offering the Genius exam, Holy Cross Hospital provides a more accurate tool for breast cancer screening. Talk to your doctor about getting a referral to Holy Cross Hospital for a Genius" 3D Mammography" exam. cancer screening exam. In conventional 2D Mammography, overlapping tissue is a leading reason why small breast cancers may be missed, and normal tissue may appear abnormal, leading to unnecessary callbacks. The Genius exam available at Holy Cross Hospital includes a three- dimensional method of imaging that can greatly reduce the tissue overlap effect. Researchers have found that: The Genius" 3D Mammography" exam finds 20-65% more invasive breast Our local hospital is excited to bring Genius" 3D Mammography" exams to Taos. Genius exams are clinically proven to significantly increase the detection of breast cancers, For more information call: Early detection saves lives cancers compared to 2D alone, and The American College of Radiology (ACR) and Society of Breast Imaging (SBI) recommend that women start (575)-737-3231 an average increase of 41%. Or Visit: HolyCrossMedicalCenter.org The Genius" 3D Mammography" exam reduces callbacks by up to 40% compared to 2D alone. getting annual mammograms at age 40. and also decrease the number of women asked to return for additional testing. Jeff Schenck, Director of Imaging at Holy Cross Medical Center says "This is the latest A Genius exam includes both 2D images and tomosynthesis scans. During the Tomosynthesis Mammography tomosynthesis-DIMENSIONAL portion of the exam, an X-ray arm sweeps in a slight arc over the breast, taking multiple images. A computer then converts the images into a stack of thin layers, allowing the radiologist to review the STATE-OF-THE-ART released Genius 3D Breast 3D MAMM GRAPHY. machine from Hologic and is the most advanced in Northern In Taos. New Mexico. It boasts new technology for detecting 20- 65% more breast cancers, is the only FDA approved system as superior for women with Holy Cross Hospital offers the most advanced equipment available in northern New Mexico, with the convenience of staying close to home. Talk to your doctor about getting a referral to Holy Cross. LEARN MORE: HolyCrossMedicalCenter.org/mammogram (575) 758-8883 1397 Weimer Rd., Taos, NM 87571 HolyCross Hospital genius3D The Genu D Mammography" (aka Geniur" eum) is aoquirod on the Hologie JD Mamnography" sptem and comists of a 21D and D" image set, where the 21 image can be either an quired 20 iage era 2D imge generated fron the 3Dimage ses. The Genios eam i only avalable on the ologic D Mamneogrehy m Relereeces 1)FDA ubmie Pooo, Poo0oso01, POO0OSO POcoossoos 2Friedewakd SM. Ralerty EA. Rose S. et al. Preast cancer sereening ing kooynheis in combination with digital mammegraply, IAMA. 204 an 252029S0, ) Reulu from Friedewald. St, et al "Becast cancer screening using tongnehesia in cnbition with digtal manimography" JAMA 1.24 (2014 299 2507 amulti-e (), non andemirel, hiorikal contrel maly of 4500 screming mamemogram investigating the inital impact the inoodection of the Hodogik Selenie Dimensions" on screening outcome Individual uta my vary The stady found an awrge IN (sCE 20-6 inereane and that 12ss C 08-16) addtinal inave berast cancen per 1000 screening eama were foond in women eceving conbined FFDM snd D"mammogramsaquirod with the Hologie 3D Mammograple" System venu omen receiving 2D FFDM mammegrams onl Bermandi , Macakvilegrini M, et al Borant cancer sctrening with tomonyntheis mammography wah aoquired or wynhetic 2 mamnography compared with 21n mammography alone ISTORM a populatios baned prospedive staly. Lancel Oncol 2016 Aug1 0s-1). 5) ermard , Macakill Rilegrini M, et al Breast cancer servening with somenyhei 0 mammography) with acquined or yvehetic 20 mammegraphy compared with D mammography alone (STORM a population hased prospective study. Lancet Oocol. 2016 Aug 1OS-13. Meonald ES Oustnov A, Weinsteln Set al Eectivyneof Digtal iva Tomonynthesis ompared Wah Digital Mannography Chaovmes Analys Fm Yeas of evast Canoer Screening LAMA Cl 20 lun tta 4 T)Rafferty EA, Durand MA, Conant E, etal east Cancer Screing Uing Tnynhess nd Digal Mamegaphy in Dene and Nondense Becasts, JAMA 206 Apr NI Paid Advertisement Holy Cross Hospital: Meet your New, Better 3D" Mammogram The Health Care Corner - Brought to you by Holy Cross Medical Center You no longer need to drive dense breasts and is voted the to Santa Fe for a top-of-the-line #1 system in the annual BEST digital 3D mammography exam. IN KLAS survey for six years breast tissue one layer at a time. A Genius exam requires no additional compression and Holy Cross Hospital is committed to the fight against breast cancer and is proud to You can now stay right here in Taos for your next state-of- the-art digital mammogram. in a row. This is among the best takes just a few seconds longer be the first in the region to offer technology available, and it's close to home." than a conventional 2D breast Holy Cross Hospital now has the most advanced mammography technology in Northern New Mexico. this state-of-the-art technology. In offering the Genius exam, Holy Cross Hospital provides a more accurate tool for breast cancer screening. Talk to your doctor about getting a referral to Holy Cross Hospital for a Genius" 3D Mammography" exam. cancer screening exam. In conventional 2D Mammography, overlapping tissue is a leading reason why small breast cancers may be missed, and normal tissue may appear abnormal, leading to unnecessary callbacks. The Genius exam available at Holy Cross Hospital includes a three- dimensional method of imaging that can greatly reduce the tissue overlap effect. Researchers have found that: The Genius" 3D Mammography" exam finds 20-65% more invasive breast Our local hospital is excited to bring Genius" 3D Mammography" exams to Taos. Genius exams are clinically proven to significantly increase the detection of breast cancers, For more information call: Early detection saves lives cancers compared to 2D alone, and The American College of Radiology (ACR) and Society of Breast Imaging (SBI) recommend that women start (575)-737-3231 an average increase of 41%. Or Visit: HolyCrossMedicalCenter.org The Genius" 3D Mammography" exam reduces callbacks by up to 40% compared to 2D alone. getting annual mammograms at age 40. and also decrease the number of women asked to return for additional testing. Jeff Schenck, Director of Imaging at Holy Cross Medical Center says "This is the latest A Genius exam includes both 2D images and tomosynthesis scans. During the Tomosynthesis Mammography tomosynthesis-DIMENSIONAL portion of the exam, an X-ray arm sweeps in a slight arc over the breast, taking multiple images. A computer then converts the images into a stack of thin layers, allowing the radiologist to review the STATE-OF-THE-ART released Genius 3D Breast 3D MAMM GRAPHY. machine from Hologic and is the most advanced in Northern In Taos. New Mexico. It boasts new technology for detecting 20- 65% more breast cancers, is the only FDA approved system as superior for women with Holy Cross Hospital offers the most advanced equipment available in northern New Mexico, with the convenience of staying close to home. Talk to your doctor about getting a referral to Holy Cross. LEARN MORE: HolyCrossMedicalCenter.org/mammogram (575) 758-8883 1397 Weimer Rd., Taos, NM 87571 HolyCross Hospital genius3D The Genu D Mammography" (aka Geniur" eum) is aoquirod on the Hologie JD Mamnography" sptem and comists of a 21D and D" image set, where the 21 image can be either an quired 20 iage era 2D imge generated fron the 3Dimage ses. The Genios eam i only avalable on the ologic D Mamneogrehy m Relereeces 1)FDA ubmie Pooo, Poo0oso01, POO0OSO POcoossoos 2Friedewakd SM. Ralerty EA. Rose S. et al. Preast cancer sereening ing kooynheis in combination with digital mammegraply, IAMA. 204 an 252029S0, ) Reulu from Friedewald. St, et al "Becast cancer screening using tongnehesia in cnbition with digtal manimography" JAMA 1.24 (2014 299 2507 amulti-e (), non andemirel, hiorikal contrel maly of 4500 screming mamemogram investigating the inital impact the inoodection of the Hodogik Selenie Dimensions" on screening outcome Individual uta my vary The stady found an awrge IN (sCE 20-6 inereane and that 12ss C 08-16) addtinal inave berast cancen per 1000 screening eama were foond in women eceving conbined FFDM snd D"mammogramsaquirod with the Hologie 3D Mammograple" System venu omen receiving 2D FFDM mammegrams onl Bermandi , Macakvilegrini M, et al Borant cancer sctrening with tomonyntheis mammography wah aoquired or wynhetic 2 mamnography compared with 21n mammography alone ISTORM a populatios baned prospedive staly. Lancel Oncol 2016 Aug1 0s-1). 5) ermard , Macakill Rilegrini M, et al Breast cancer servening with somenyhei 0 mammography) with acquined or yvehetic 20 mammegraphy compared with D mammography alone (STORM a population hased prospective study. Lancet Oocol. 2016 Aug 1OS-13. Meonald ES Oustnov A, Weinsteln Set al Eectivyneof Digtal iva Tomonynthesis ompared Wah Digital Mannography Chaovmes Analys Fm Yeas of evast Canoer Screening LAMA Cl 20 lun tta 4 T)Rafferty EA, Durand MA, Conant E, etal east Cancer Screing Uing Tnynhess nd Digal Mamegaphy in Dene and Nondense Becasts, JAMA 206 Apr NI Paid Advertisement