Commercial & Edvcationat 2019 TAOS Teos Booths COUNTY FAIR August 22nd-25th At Juan I. Gonzales Memorial Taos County Agricultural Center 202 Chamisa Road, Taos Flowers, Fruit & Vegetables Arts & Crafts Canned, Non- Perishables & Baked Goods Quilts, Sewing & Needlework Jr. Livestock Show & Auction SRIBDULR OF EVENT'S THURSDAY, AUGUST 22 SATURDAY, AUGUST 24 am-12pm Junor Livestock Show. Goat Sheep Contest ater J Lvestock Show am-7pm Entry of Arts and Crats Bam-7pm Entry of Wood Cats 8am-7pm Entry of Caned and Baked Goods 8am-7pm Entry of Outs, Cohing Sewing & Needecrahs 8am-7pm Enty of Flowers Fruits and Vegetatles am-7pm Entry of Andoor Exhibits Sam-8pm fnty of ALL Poutry and Rebbi Open Dvision&4-H Dision 12am-4pm Live Entertainnent Saha Contest Ustock Show-Awards Presentatio Livstock Auction Buyers Babeque Oeer-Sponsored by Delg Funel Home of T 1pm 245pm pm 30pm mAALE R LE 0 THE PUBLIC SUNDAY, AUGUST 25 9am 1030am Ek and Turkry Calling Contest Dog Show and Aglity Course Lucky Seven 4-HCub Cake Wak Puppet Theatre Los Teos presents "Playing wth Adelina FRIDAY, AUGUST 23 7am-8:30am Esty of All 4-HBaked Gods 7am-12pm Entry of Bknd Goods &Non-Perishble Ihms 7am-12pm Entry of Ats&Crats 7am-10am Enty of Quits, Clothing Sewing &Needeoat 7am-pm Entry of Flowers, frts&Vegetables 130pm 3pm-6pm Regstaon and Weigh-in of ALL Lage Livestack 000am 1130am 12pm-4pm Le Entertainment 12pm Ple Eating Contest Pet Parade Pt OwneHandler must be 8 years old or younger Watrmelon Eating Coetest RELEASE OF ALL LIMESTOCK REEASE OF INDOOR EEITS TO THE PUBLIC 2pm 3p JUDGING NOTE NO0OR AD o LD 0 THE PUL t0am dging of ALL 4-H and Open Division Poury Judging of Al 4-HEhibits 1pm Judging of all hdoor Ehibits Cloed to the Public) Judging of A 4-Hand Open Division Rabbis Judging of Flowers, Finuits&Vegetables tm fpm NM Cwege ed aoe Cumen antev al 7pm STATIe Livestock Show Dog Show & Agility Course Sun. Aug. 25th 10:30am Sat. Aug.24th 9:00am Livestock Auction Pie Eating Contest Sun. Aug 25th 12pm Sat. Aug. 25th 2:00pm Live Entertainment Sat. & Sun. 12pm-4pm Pet Parade Sun. Aug. 25th 1:30pm For all kids 8 years of age & under Salsa Contest Sat. Aug. 24th 1pm Elk & Turkey Calling Contest Sun. Aug. 25th 9:00am Watermelon Eating Contest Sun. Aug. 25th 2pm For further information about the Taos County Fair go to or contact the Taos County Extension Office at 758-3982 Commercial & Edvcationat 2019 TAOS Teos Booths COUNTY FAIR August 22nd-25th At Juan I. Gonzales Memorial Taos County Agricultural Center 202 Chamisa Road, Taos Flowers, Fruit & Vegetables Arts & Crafts Canned, Non- Perishables & Baked Goods Quilts, Sewing & Needlework Jr. Livestock Show & Auction SRIBDULR OF EVENT'S THURSDAY, AUGUST 22 SATURDAY, AUGUST 24 am-12pm Junor Livestock Show. Goat Sheep Contest ater J Lvestock Show am-7pm Entry of Arts and Crats Bam-7pm Entry of Wood Cats 8am-7pm Entry of Caned and Baked Goods 8am-7pm Entry of Outs, Cohing Sewing & Needecrahs 8am-7pm Enty of Flowers Fruits and Vegetatles am-7pm Entry of Andoor Exhibits Sam-8pm fnty of ALL Poutry and Rebbi Open Dvision&4-H Dision 12am-4pm Live Entertainnent Saha Contest Ustock Show-Awards Presentatio Livstock Auction Buyers Babeque Oeer-Sponsored by Delg Funel Home of T 1pm 245pm pm 30pm mAALE R LE 0 THE PUBLIC SUNDAY, AUGUST 25 9am 1030am Ek and Turkry Calling Contest Dog Show and Aglity Course Lucky Seven 4-HCub Cake Wak Puppet Theatre Los Teos presents "Playing wth Adelina FRIDAY, AUGUST 23 7am-8:30am Esty of All 4-HBaked Gods 7am-12pm Entry of Bknd Goods &Non-Perishble Ihms 7am-12pm Entry of Ats&Crats 7am-10am Enty of Quits, Clothing Sewing &Needeoat 7am-pm Entry of Flowers, frts&Vegetables 130pm 3pm-6pm Regstaon and Weigh-in of ALL Lage Livestack 000am 1130am 12pm-4pm Le Entertainment 12pm Ple Eating Contest Pet Parade Pt OwneHandler must be 8 years old or younger Watrmelon Eating Coetest RELEASE OF ALL LIMESTOCK REEASE OF INDOOR EEITS TO THE PUBLIC 2pm 3p JUDGING NOTE NO0OR AD o LD 0 THE PUL t0am dging of ALL 4-H and Open Division Poury Judging of Al 4-HEhibits 1pm Judging of all hdoor Ehibits Cloed to the Public) Judging of A 4-Hand Open Division Rabbis Judging of Flowers, Finuits&Vegetables tm fpm NM Cwege ed aoe Cumen antev al 7pm STATIe Livestock Show Dog Show & Agility Course Sun. Aug. 25th 10:30am Sat. Aug.24th 9:00am Livestock Auction Pie Eating Contest Sun. Aug 25th 12pm Sat. Aug. 25th 2:00pm Live Entertainment Sat. & Sun. 12pm-4pm Pet Parade Sun. Aug. 25th 1:30pm For all kids 8 years of age & under Salsa Contest Sat. Aug. 24th 1pm Elk & Turkey Calling Contest Sun. Aug. 25th 9:00am Watermelon Eating Contest Sun. Aug. 25th 2pm For further information about the Taos County Fair go to or contact the Taos County Extension Office at 758-3982