TAOS COUNTY ASSOCIATION OF REALTORSO 210 H SALAZAR ROAD, TAOS, NEW MEXICO 875711 PHONE (575) 758-741 FAX: (575) 758-1281 OFFICE HOURS: 9:00-3:00 REAL ESTATE ROUNDUP Why Use A REALTOR Tos County Associaton of REALTORS REALTORO PinAll real estate licensees are not the same. Only real estate liconsees who are members of the NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS are properly called REALTORSO. They proudly display the REALTOR logo on the business card or other marketing and sales lterature. REALTORSO are committed to treat all parties to a transaction honestly. REALTORS@ subscribe to a strict code of ethics and are expected tomaintain a higher level of knowledge of the process of buying and selling real estate. An independent survey reports that 849% of home buyers would use the same REALTORO again Real estate transactions involve one of the biggest financial investments most people experience in their lifetime. Transactions today usually exceed $100,000. I you had a $100,000 income tax problem, would you attempt to deal with it without the help of a CPA? If you had a $100,000 legal question, would you deal with it without the help of an attorney? Considering the small upside cost and the large downside risk, it would be foolish your agent to find all available properties. HERE ARE MORE REASONS To USE A REALTOR 3. Your REALTORD can assist you in the selection process by providing objective information about each property. Agents who are REALTORSe have access to a variety of informational resources. REALTORSO can. provide local community information on utilities, zoning. schools, etc. There are two things you'll want to know. First, will the property provide the environment I wa 1. Your REALTOR can holp you determine your buying power that is, your financial reserves plus your borowing capacity. If you give a REALTORO some basic information about your available savings, income and current debt, he or she can refer you to lenders best qualified to help you. Most lenders banks and mortgage companies offer limited choices 4. Your REALTOR can help you negotiate. There are myriad negotiating factors, including but not limited to price, financing. terms, date of 2. Your REALTORS has many resources to assist you in your home search. Sometimes the property you are seeking is available but not actively advertised in the market, and it will take some investigation by TCAR MISSION STATEMENT To create an environment that will ensure Members the ability to conduct their business successfuly, by developing products, programs, and services that meet the Members' specific needs, with professional competency. We advocate for private property rights and serve with competency, integrity, and professionalism. ABOUT TCAR About TCAR The Taos County Association of REALTORSO (TCAR), established in 1964, is a not-for-profit trade association with a membership of approximately 170+ REALTORS members, and an Afiate membership of real estate related businesses. The Mutiple Listing Service (MLS) contains residential, land, multi-family, and commercial listings primarly from Tacs and Colfax Countes TCAR is part of the nationwide REALTORS network made up of the REALTORS Association of New Maxico (RANM and the National Association of REALTORSO (NARB). TCAR is govened by a Board of Directors. The Association provides members with MLS access, servicing of electronic key boxes and keypads, educational offerings, and various forms of informational updates and supportive services. TCAR is also avalable daly to TAOS COUNTY ASssocIATION OF REALTORS Ta County ngef v assist the goneral publc with locating and contacting members, processing public complaints, and answering goneral questions TAOS COUNTY ASSOCIATION OF REALTORSO 210 H SALAZAR ROAD, TAOS, NEW MEXICO 875711 PHONE (575) 758-741 FAX: (575) 758-1281 OFFICE HOURS: 9:00-3:00 REAL ESTATE ROUNDUP Why Use A REALTOR Tos County Associaton of REALTORS REALTORO PinAll real estate licensees are not the same. Only real estate liconsees who are members of the NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS are properly called REALTORSO. They proudly display the REALTOR logo on the business card or other marketing and sales lterature. REALTORSO are committed to treat all parties to a transaction honestly. REALTORS@ subscribe to a strict code of ethics and are expected tomaintain a higher level of knowledge of the process of buying and selling real estate. An independent survey reports that 849% of home buyers would use the same REALTORO again Real estate transactions involve one of the biggest financial investments most people experience in their lifetime. Transactions today usually exceed $100,000. I you had a $100,000 income tax problem, would you attempt to deal with it without the help of a CPA? If you had a $100,000 legal question, would you deal with it without the help of an attorney? Considering the small upside cost and the large downside risk, it would be foolish your agent to find all available properties. HERE ARE MORE REASONS To USE A REALTOR 3. Your REALTORD can assist you in the selection process by providing objective information about each property. Agents who are REALTORSe have access to a variety of informational resources. REALTORSO can. provide local community information on utilities, zoning. schools, etc. There are two things you'll want to know. First, will the property provide the environment I wa 1. Your REALTOR can holp you determine your buying power that is, your financial reserves plus your borowing capacity. If you give a REALTORO some basic information about your available savings, income and current debt, he or she can refer you to lenders best qualified to help you. Most lenders banks and mortgage companies offer limited choices 4. Your REALTOR can help you negotiate. There are myriad negotiating factors, including but not limited to price, financing. terms, date of 2. Your REALTORS has many resources to assist you in your home search. Sometimes the property you are seeking is available but not actively advertised in the market, and it will take some investigation by TCAR MISSION STATEMENT To create an environment that will ensure Members the ability to conduct their business successfuly, by developing products, programs, and services that meet the Members' specific needs, with professional competency. We advocate for private property rights and serve with competency, integrity, and professionalism. ABOUT TCAR About TCAR The Taos County Association of REALTORSO (TCAR), established in 1964, is a not-for-profit trade association with a membership of approximately 170+ REALTORS members, and an Afiate membership of real estate related businesses. The Mutiple Listing Service (MLS) contains residential, land, multi-family, and commercial listings primarly from Tacs and Colfax Countes TCAR is part of the nationwide REALTORS network made up of the REALTORS Association of New Maxico (RANM and the National Association of REALTORSO (NARB). TCAR is govened by a Board of Directors. The Association provides members with MLS access, servicing of electronic key boxes and keypads, educational offerings, and various forms of informational updates and supportive services. TCAR is also avalable daly to TAOS COUNTY ASssocIATION OF REALTORS Ta County ngef v assist the goneral publc with locating and contacting members, processing public complaints, and answering goneral questions