success stories Taos Community Foundation Builds on Leadership Strengths Founden ha The th em region of New Mexico as a leader in philanthropic infor nearly 25 years. The work of the Community Found ed to cate relationships with donors to minise their charitable ging goals, and to link those charitable fo ghen the min of non-profit program The ing effect is to address the wide of ammunity ons in the Isa to the exp granting in community. T Community Foundation has stepped up into new leadership both locally and in the state "Many of the partis we established in our early 00 VID des have allowed for deeper collaborativelation ships to boos" O'Brien said There is often talk of in community shared Heles Roete Doctor of Community Impact "We have experienced the oppo site. There is realisation that we twork together to fully bring the change needed," she added The Foundation has had another er efecting anal and granting dollar out wwwded in their service a Taon and ween Collex Coun Ges Over $2.57 million was BIG IDEAS! anded in grants to organizations and scholarship Two ich examples were the foror porch and have at lengtips makes the of to local students for post highmation of two fically-speed another 400 units underway in so much more wwanding" school educational supports administered by the the find the years of its opere Foundation Charitable funds tion. Thive years ago, we were The Fund for Tan Emerwere tablished for EC-COAD not having these types of comer ancy Action Food awarded chased Circle-Commons, it alone having he grats in the emergency directies Active in Dieter) and se action plans, shared ac this past year continued Community Trust, now on noted we COVID me fits dated the Ties Housing Partner learned anything during COVI ACCREDITED from the wind storm let winter ship of profit was none of uncould do it alone. and fet fins i pingwa dimet result of com was a year that kept us on our teations sparked to said Lisa O'Brien, the during the fine year of COVID Foundation Inc. "Curse when most organisations had on in being able to meet weral shuttered their doors and disaster oods was a direct reuk employees home. "I want to be of the continued erity of so perfectly dear-our city many doors in the community is in desperate need for housing Pogle are will giving early that their budget. Taos Com to The Fund for Ton, which almunity Foundation provided the lows us to be at the way. plated state Rep Kriin Ort, who also as the Director of Taos Land Trut. "There is excitement in what will materialion, long term for the community," he added Ties Community Foundation in abo partnering with Tas County this year in the administration of American Relat funding that willward $500,000 to non-profit org For the fint tim contract for service was initiated between the two endin LOUIS This is a comeration we be had over the years, and the time www right,"shared Taos County Manager Hot Jaramillo. "We know the Foundation skilled Both p in their ownsight of the ring advisory groups that seer the process. We know this will be an work and even the charitable efficient profon and held by the Foundation applicants and for the County EC-COAD has a goal of has the legative for ing 1,000 community members triool and certified in CPR The Tao Housing Partner ship, which is poised to become stand-alone 503, has the lofty goal of helping to create 100 new and the federal fund," he added. O'Brien note this is a great example of leaning into ac other's expertise and demon ing an effective streamlined ap proach to community funding In addition to the local partner Community Founde is also a partner in the New Mein Calon of Community Foundations. This group came sother to administer the All Together New Mexico Fund that wanded over $16 mil lion in COVID pone grat throughout New Mexion in 2000 The Chelya nounced a new pho provide one ch to New Mexion, with priority to those who were advenly in pacted by the Calf Canyon-Her "We are prised of the work we do fandon We are abo hod to have the naimhips we have lived in community" On The Foundation is here for the long houd and having together NM FUND taos community foundation Taos Community Foundation -La Road Su -9000 Community Foundation hosts Housing Part works 2022 Anscudesnon-profs leaders and ng in Me success stories Taos Community Foundation Builds on Leadership Strengths Founden ha The th em region of New Mexico as a leader in philanthropic infor nearly 25 years . The work of the Community Found ed to cate relationships with donors to minise their charitable ging goals , and to link those charitable fo ghen the min of non - profit program The ing effect is to address the wide of ammunity ons in the Isa to the exp granting in community . T Community Foundation has stepped up into new leadership both locally and in the state " Many of the partis we established in our early 00 VID des have allowed for deeper collaborativelation ships to boos " O'Brien said There is often talk of in community shared Heles Roete Doctor of Community Impact " We have experienced the oppo site . There is realisation that we twork together to fully bring the change needed , " she added The Foundation has had another er efecting anal and granting dollar out wwwded in their service a Taon and ween Collex Coun Ges Over $ 2.57 million was BIG IDEAS ! anded in grants to organizations and scholarship Two ich examples were the foror porch and have at lengtips makes the of to local students for post highmation of two fically - speed another 400 units underway in so much more wwanding " school educational supports administered by the the find the years of its opere Foundation Charitable funds tion . Thive years ago , we were The Fund for Tan Emerwere tablished for EC - COAD not having these types of comer ancy Action Food awarded chased Circle - Commons , it alone having he grats in the emergency directies Active in Dieter ) and se action plans , shared ac this past year continued Community Trust , now on noted we COVID me fits dated the Ties Housing Partner learned anything during COVI ACCREDITED from the wind storm let winter ship of profit was none of uncould do it alone . and fet fins i pingwa dimet result of com was a year that kept us on our teations sparked to said Lisa O'Brien , the during the fine year of COVID Foundation Inc. " Curse when most organisations had on in being able to meet weral shuttered their doors and disaster oods was a direct reuk employees home . " I want to be of the continued erity of so perfectly dear - our city many doors in the community is in desperate need for housing Pogle are will giving early that their budget . Taos Com to The Fund for Ton , which almunity Foundation provided the lows us to be at the way . plated state Rep Kriin Ort , who also as the Director of Taos Land Trut . " There is excitement in what will materialion , long term for the community , " he added Ties Community Foundation in abo partnering with Tas County this year in the administration of American Relat funding that willward $ 500,000 to non - profit org For the fint tim contract for service was initiated between the two endin LOUIS This is a comeration we be had over the years , and the time www right , " shared Taos County Manager Hot Jaramillo . " We know the Foundation skilled Both p in their ownsight of the ring advisory groups that seer the process . We know this will be an work and even the charitable efficient profon and held by the Foundation applicants and for the County EC - COAD has a goal of has the legative for ing 1,000 community members triool and certified in CPR The Tao Housing Partner ship , which is poised to become stand - alone 503 , has the lofty goal of helping to create 100 new and the federal fund , " he added . O'Brien note this is a great example of leaning into ac other's expertise and demon ing an effective streamlined ap proach to community funding In addition to the local partner Community Founde is also a partner in the New Mein Calon of Community Foundations . This group came sother to administer the All Together New Mexico Fund that wanded over $ 16 mil lion in COVID pone grat throughout New Mexion in 2000 The Chelya nounced a new pho provide one ch to New Mexion , with priority to those who were advenly in pacted by the Calf Canyon - Her " We are prised of the work we do fandon We are abo hod to have the naimhips we have lived in community " On The Foundation is here for the long houd and having together NM FUND taos community foundation Taos Community Foundation -La Road Su -9000 Community Foundation hosts Housing Part works 2022 Anscudesnon - profs leaders and ng in Me