TAOS CHAMBER MUSIC GROUP CELEBRATING THIRTY YEARS OF WILD AND SCENIC MUSIC! You TCMG presents "A Love Affair" SUNDAY, MARCH 5, 5:30 p.m. Harwood Museum of Art A program that reflects love in its many forms through music, poetry, art and letters, including Georgia O'Keeffe's deep connection to the New Mexico landscape, Maya Angelou's poem of human unity, and Robert and Clara Schumann's immortal love affair. One show only! Advance tickets and more info. at taoschambermusicgroup.org or harwoodmuseum.org (575-758-9826). TAOS CHAMBER MUSIC GROUP CELEBRATING THIRTY YEARS OF WILD AND SCENIC MUSIC ! You TCMG presents " A Love Affair " SUNDAY , MARCH 5 , 5:30 p.m. Harwood Museum of Art A program that reflects love in its many forms through music , poetry , art and letters , including Georgia O'Keeffe's deep connection to the New Mexico landscape , Maya Angelou's poem of human unity , and Robert and Clara Schumann's immortal love affair . One show only ! Advance tickets and more info . at taoschambermusicgroup.org or harwoodmuseum.org ( 575-758-9826 ) .