SPONSORED CONTENT SUPER SAVE 79u !! $ 1 OW PRICES ons Frank Fernandez is the newly appointed produce supervisor at Super Save in charge of stores from Northern New Mexico to Denver. be very friendly. Super Save in Taos announces their newly appointed produce supervisor, Frank Fer- nandez. Frank says, this position has been a long-time goal of his. He has been in the grocery business for 38 years, and actu- ally started in the Taos store at the age of 17. "I learned hard work from my parents, and try to instill this work ethic in my kids. hired someday become a produce manager." We're all in management." Frank wants his customers to know that he is excited to take on this new role. "I enjoy training people, and setting high standards for them to achieve in order to grow. I would like to see this young man that I just Come in to Super Save and say hello to Frank Fernandez. He is always happy to Frank is passionate about serving custom- ers. He also has a passion for produce and takes pride in his colorful displays. He says his favorite produce is navel oranges. serve you. SUPER SAVE When asked how he plans to help Super Save thrive in these unusual times Frank responded that he is re-merchandising all of his departments, and training his staff to DISCOUNT FOOD STORE TORLRY YRGKTASERS SPONSORED CONTENT SUPER SAVE 79u !! $ 1 OW PRICES ons Frank Fernandez is the newly appointed produce supervisor at Super Save in charge of stores from Northern New Mexico to Denver. be very friendly. Super Save in Taos announces their newly appointed produce supervisor, Frank Fer- nandez. Frank says, this position has been a long-time goal of his. He has been in the grocery business for 38 years, and actu- ally started in the Taos store at the age of 17. "I learned hard work from my parents, and try to instill this work ethic in my kids. hired someday become a produce manager." We're all in management." Frank wants his customers to know that he is excited to take on this new role. "I enjoy training people, and setting high standards for them to achieve in order to grow. I would like to see this young man that I just Come in to Super Save and say hello to Frank Fernandez. He is always happy to Frank is passionate about serving custom- ers. He also has a passion for produce and takes pride in his colorful displays. He says his favorite produce is navel oranges. serve you. SUPER SAVE When asked how he plans to help Super Save thrive in these unusual times Frank responded that he is re-merchandising all of his departments, and training his staff to DISCOUNT FOOD STORE TORLRY YRGKTASERS