S SUCCESS STORIES Red Willow Hospice Compassionate end-of-life care Joanna Hooper, MD is the med cal discor, and Rev Dr. Ted Wurd 14D.LICC.CGC direct ofbeavement services Together, the to oversees the stat and vol who includes ning stans, social workers, co opaca coordinatos, be revement specialists, a nauspac Doctor, end-of-se doula, rok ma te hanty people, emocional sup port people and others who bring of skills to and "The higher the conf dying the better quality of Me Des expence, aimed Rev Dr Ward. There is healing that comes forming the sacredness dying and the sanctity of walk ing mindfully through the process To access the bosce bene pats can cathered by their medical provider, or they c seldorfer for a conton of they are hospice appropriate. It is the goal of Red Willow Hospice o provide information and support on the many issues a person may be conning What does the dying process look? Can choose how and when I will die Are there an cul resources available? What need help with esp New Mexico is one of 10 lowly building ne the 1970s he predi chce of S for those who face semnal des Hein Tawan foto have Red Willow Hospice, who is celebrating the fea year of serving patients and the families with com poate integrative and CARE cious dying Increasinglynione Red Will Happroach to hospice caue, as they procare. This proach to hospice care can provide access to high-quality parent ceed care that focuses on these physical and wellbeing As a locally owned and operad cy-based hospice, ked Willow Hospice has donos the Taos area and understand the unique challenges laced by rural people. They collaborate with local organizations and healthcare provid ers to provide the best possible care to patients and their lanches Robyn Chaves, RN, BSN and taily needs unding p By Dena Miller and the District of Columbwhere medical and in dying islega Red Willow Hospice recognizes the recent legave changes along make ormed decisions garding end-of-lde decisions and participate in their care planning thomy for a patiento de inder-aprecy condmation in the people with a terminalo low Hope, there was a lack of own home arounded by loved spring in proach to dying As Red Willow Hespace fills that pap, she has seen a positive change in the perception death able in care, there is confesion Hospice o the condon and provides healthier grief process. There are, after all ages of loss, and hospice can acciate the needs, suppon all des of the dying provide a continuam of care in the whole family's journe Red Will Heiseber of the Texas and New esco Ho pice Organization, where De Hooper only roeived the pres Churley Wasson Hospice Advocacy wandan daya in tone year she medical gard Ward and Chavez and suppon for their loved ones the ring process St. Chand that pro to the establishment of Red Wil Faties are also cond knowing that other of the de process have been levned, which may even longevity With lonach spinal and internal con addressed patien longer, beer-quality of life, or on the other hand for they have p mission to die braes their atlairy are in order Rev. Dr. Ward and Red Willow Hospice collaborates with local agencies and non-pr ergo add paren physical, ional and spermal needs under one umbrelli They a oline comprehenave approach on end-of-ide case the both improves quality of for pain their final days and provides condon A Living P The dedicated volunteers of Red Willow Hospice are acknowledged for their valuable co wide range of integrative services Red Willow Hospice remains open to accepting new voluers who can further enhance their mission of delivering accessible and comp deceded by the principles of panence and All volumen necerve formal ortention and train- ing to they are well-perpend for the role Conscious dying is a pho mation of the process and pouy for profound healing and spelawakening, and becom presentanding emph sed Rev Dr Wand 125 ST RED WILLOW HOSPICE 575-77-1 SOE PA MAY WHER D at To Rement Village S SUCCESS STORIES Red Willow Hospice Compassionate end - of - life care Joanna Hooper , MD is the med cal discor , and Rev Dr. Ted Wurd 14D.LICC.CGC direct ofbeavement services Together , the to oversees the stat and vol who includes ning stans , social workers , co opaca coordinatos , be revement specialists , a nauspac Doctor , end - of - se doula , rok ma te hanty people , emocional sup port people and others who bring of skills to and " The higher the conf dying the better quality of Me Des expence , aimed Rev Dr Ward . There is healing that comes forming the sacredness dying and the sanctity of walk ing mindfully through the process To access the bosce bene pats can cathered by their medical provider , or they c seldorfer for a conton of they are hospice appropriate . It is the goal of Red Willow Hospice o provide information and support on the many issues a person may be conning What does the dying process look ? Can choose how and when I will die Are there an cul resources available ? What need help with esp New Mexico is one of 10 lowly building ne the 1970s he predi chce of S for those who face semnal des Hein Tawan foto have Red Willow Hospice , who is celebrating the fea year of serving patients and the families with com poate integrative and CARE cious dying Increasinglynione Red Will Happroach to hospice caue , as they procare . This proach to hospice care can provide access to high - quality parent ceed care that focuses on these physical and wellbeing As a locally owned and operad cy - based hospice , ked Willow Hospice has donos the Taos area and understand the unique challenges laced by rural people . They collaborate with local organizations and healthcare provid ers to provide the best possible care to patients and their lanches Robyn Chaves , RN , BSN and taily needs unding p By Dena Miller and the District of Columbwhere medical and in dying islega Red Willow Hospice recognizes the recent legave changes along make ormed decisions garding end - of - lde decisions and participate in their care planning thomy for a patiento de inder - aprecy condmation in the people with a terminalo low Hope , there was a lack of own home arounded by loved spring in proach to dying As Red Willow Hespace fills that pap , she has seen a positive change in the perception death able in care , there is confesion Hospice o the condon and provides healthier grief process . There are , after all ages of loss , and hospice can acciate the needs , suppon all des of the dying provide a continuam of care in the whole family's journe Red Will Heiseber of the Texas and New esco Ho pice Organization , where De Hooper only roeived the pres Churley Wasson Hospice Advocacy wandan daya in tone year she medical gard Ward and Chavez and suppon for their loved ones the ring process St. Chand that pro to the establishment of Red Wil Faties are also cond knowing that other of the de process have been levned , which may even longevity With lonach spinal and internal con addressed patien longer , beer - quality of life , or on the other hand for they have p mission to die braes their atlairy are in order Rev. Dr. Ward and Red Willow Hospice collaborates with local agencies and non - pr ergo add paren physical , ional and spermal needs under one umbrelli They a oline comprehenave approach on end - of - ide case the both improves quality of for pain their final days and provides condon A Living P The dedicated volunteers of Red Willow Hospice are acknowledged for their valuable co wide range of integrative services Red Willow Hospice remains open to accepting new voluers who can further enhance their mission of delivering accessible and comp deceded by the principles of panence and All volumen necerve formal ortention and train ing to they are well - perpend for the role Conscious dying is a pho mation of the process and pouy for profound healing and spelawakening , and becom presentanding emph sed Rev Dr Wand 125 ST RED WILLOW HOSPICE 575-77-1 SOE PA MAY WHER D at To Rement Village