Taos County 4-H Program Enrollment Deadline: March 1, 2022 4-H is the youth development of our nation's Coopertive Extension System. Join the 4-H Community today! Visit us at www.taosextension.nmsu.edu or call (575) 758-3982 2021 NM State Fair 4-H Indoor Exhibits: Above: Breanna Salazar-State 4-H Photo Contest, Sarah Martinez- Coffee Cake and Rag Quilt, JT Radcliff-Floral Arrangement. Below: Eastin Rosales-Banana Nut Bread, Alexis Rosales-Thumbprint Cookie, Adelina Martinez-Cherry Pie and Ariela Martinez-Apple Pie. BE BOLD. Shape the Future. INM Colege of Agricultural, Consumer STATE and Environmental Sciences Cooperative Extension Service Taos County Extension Office Jal d ta Trt 2021 Taos County 4-H County Camp. The Taos County 4-H Council members hosted a one day camp for local 4-H members. 4-H campers participated in workshops that consisted of braiding, weaving, leather craft, arts & crafts. They also participated in scavanger hunt and several other activities. Youth Small Animal Expo: Natalia Romero-Best of Breed Bantam Mallard Duck, Raymond Romero-Best of Breed French Lop NMSU Cooperative Extension is an equal opportunitylaffimative action employer and educator. NMSU and the U.S. Department of E Agriculture cooperating. If you are a person with a disability who is in need of an auxiliary aid or service to participate in any Taos County Cooperative Extension events contact the Extension Office at (575) 758-3982 at least two weeks prior to the event. Taos County 4-H Program Enrollment Deadline: March 1, 2022 4-H is the youth development of our nation's Coopertive Extension System. Join the 4-H Community today! Visit us at www.taosextension.nmsu.edu or call (575) 758-3982 2021 NM State Fair 4-H Indoor Exhibits: Above: Breanna Salazar-State 4-H Photo Contest, Sarah Martinez- Coffee Cake and Rag Quilt, JT Radcliff-Floral Arrangement. Below: Eastin Rosales-Banana Nut Bread, Alexis Rosales-Thumbprint Cookie, Adelina Martinez-Cherry Pie and Ariela Martinez-Apple Pie. BE BOLD. Shape the Future. INM Colege of Agricultural, Consumer STATE and Environmental Sciences Cooperative Extension Service Taos County Extension Office Jal d ta Trt 2021 Taos County 4-H County Camp. The Taos County 4-H Council members hosted a one day camp for local 4-H members. 4-H campers participated in workshops that consisted of braiding, weaving, leather craft, arts & crafts. They also participated in scavanger hunt and several other activities. Youth Small Animal Expo: Natalia Romero-Best of Breed Bantam Mallard Duck, Raymond Romero-Best of Breed French Lop NMSU Cooperative Extension is an equal opportunitylaffimative action employer and educator. NMSU and the U.S. Department of E Agriculture cooperating. If you are a person with a disability who is in need of an auxiliary aid or service to participate in any Taos County Cooperative Extension events contact the Extension Office at (575) 758-3982 at least two weeks prior to the event.