TAOS LIONS CLUB ANNOUNCES Kidsight Screening STARTING IN AUGUST AND GOING THROUGH NOVEMBER, all 0s County children enrolled in Pre-K through 3rd grade will have the opportunity to have their eyes screened at no charge. Early vision screening ensures that a child's development is not delayed by impaired eyesight. PARENTS SHOULD BE ALERT TO THE UPCOMING EYE SCREENING SCHEDULE AT YOUR CHILD'S SCHOOL: os Academy Charer Middle 9/11/18 Inspre Bar gual Leaming Cofer Lano Quemado Head Start 8/29/18 8/30/18 Taos Academy Charter High 9/12/18 Toos Pueblo Day 9/5/18 Vista Grande High 9/10/18 Anansi Charter&Anansi Day 9/13/18 Ranchos Elementary UNM-loos Klauer Campus 9/18 18 9/24/18 9/27/18 9/12/18 os Pueblo Head Start Little Bug Scheduling dates are yet to be determined for these Taos County Schools: Alta Vista Elementary & Intermediate / Arroyos del Norte Elementary / Arroyos del Norte Heod Start /Enos Garcia Head Start/Enos Garcia Elementory Peñosco Elementary/Peñiosco Middle/High/Questa Head Start /Questa Junior/Senior High /Red River Valey Charter Rio Costila SW Learning Acodemy / Roots And Wings Charter Toos Charter/Toos Middle SchoolToos High Toos Integrated School of the Arts/Toos International / Vadito Head Start Exams and glasses are covered by NM Medicaid plans If a child does not have insurance or has been turned down by Medicaid/Insurance, vouchers are available for exams and glasses. For more information visit our website: taoslions.org or email quessions to: taos.kidsight@gmail.com The contibutions and community support we received during our annual fund roiser, Toost of Toos Wine Festival &Golf Tounament, enables us to provide KidSight Eye Screening to 1,900 children in Toos County Awoys seeking new lions Club members to helo with these important community services