TAOS ARE YOU READY FOR A COMMERCIAL AIRPORT TECH PARK The Barronees Adintation claims that the tech park for job Oreation Or could the erooosed arneation teed for with your ta dolari realy be to sastyEAA Order S0 6b reauiring the Town gurantee the land round the arport s "clear of obstaclesand incomoatible land uses WATER &SEWER When asked which companes wer interested in vesting in the rech park. Mayor Banone said they can't be reveled" yet Sounds e zero The larrone/Bels Admirpration clams that water and sewer to the arport wi upport affondable bouning Or could t be becane the airport needs upgraded infrastructure bo become a commercial airport? Aho, the water and sewer nes n through Pado Water and Sonitation Diatrict service ares Residences cant be a Town customer in an EPWSD erve ar Since when does pumping water uph make any sene PUBLIC SAFETY wa new ighting tation at the rport serve the pubic Or could s conaron reay be to satishy FAAOrer S0so ing an Airport Rescue and Feefighbing station to become a commencial arport? Dowe drnd lemna cot 4 mo pu fund O e eminai nedtorom aloort Did you e vi OMo A hndi Aman Rec arora gondole Can an ARFF tation put out residential fres Not uniess your house is an airplane NEW TERMINAL IS THIS WHAT THE COMMUNITY WANTS? WHERE IS THE AIRPORT MASTER PLAN? IS THIS ANOTHER CLOSED-DOOR DEAL WITHOUT COMMUNITY INPUT? O POLICAL ADVEEHEN PAD FOBYe TAOS ARE YOU READY FOR A COMMERCIAL AIRPORT TECH PARK The Barronees Adintation claims that the tech park for job Oreation Or could the erooosed arneation teed for with your ta dolari realy be to sastyEAA Order S0 6b reauiring the Town gurantee the land round the arport s "clear of obstaclesand incomoatible land uses WATER &SEWER When asked which companes wer interested in vesting in the rech park. Mayor Banone said they can't be reveled" yet Sounds e zero The larrone/Bels Admirpration clams that water and sewer to the arport wi upport affondable bouning Or could t be becane the airport needs upgraded infrastructure bo become a commercial airport? Aho, the water and sewer nes n through Pado Water and Sonitation Diatrict service ares Residences cant be a Town customer in an EPWSD erve ar Since when does pumping water uph make any sene PUBLIC SAFETY wa new ighting tation at the rport serve the pubic Or could s conaron reay be to satishy FAAOrer S0so ing an Airport Rescue and Feefighbing station to become a commencial arport? Dowe drnd lemna cot 4 mo pu fund O e eminai nedtorom aloort Did you e vi OMo A hndi Aman Rec arora gondole Can an ARFF tation put out residential fres Not uniess your house is an airplane NEW TERMINAL IS THIS WHAT THE COMMUNITY WANTS? WHERE IS THE AIRPORT MASTER PLAN? IS THIS ANOTHER CLOSED-DOOR DEAL WITHOUT COMMUNITY INPUT? O POLICAL ADVEEHEN PAD FOBYe