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  • Published Date

    June 20, 2018
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DON'T MISS THE FUN! COME TO HAA SUMMER CAMP! Tumbling, gymnastics, games, arts and crafts, field trips, swimming, free breakfast & lunch, 7 WONDERS OF TAOS WACKY WEEK FUN IN THE SUN WORLD FOOD AND MORE! and MORE! DIVE INTO FUN in our new. PIT" $30/day drop in, $15/half day $25/day/prepaid multiple days Additional $5 for 8-5pm Sibling Discounts Certified Counselors ($25 Annual Registration Fee) Reserve your spot! Call 575-758-3118 or email haaofficestaff@gmail.com High Altitude Athletics haofiesa 124 Civic Plaza Dr. (Please enter on Martyr's Lane.) | haagymcheerdance.com