66 66 The Enos Garcia Ranchos pre-k program has supported our daughters through the transition from Pre-K Program was the perfect school to integrate our son into the social and academic headstart to grade school. Thank you for providing a kind, caring setting he craved. Even during the limitations of the Siba past year, the Program and it's amazing staff and creative environment for our daughters to were innovative learn. " and successful - GERALD, NIOME, ALYSSA & MARIA in making the kids feel part of a classroom." - DEANE SILVA & PALOMA ROMO, PARENTS TO JESSE FALL 2021 OPEN ENROLLMENT IS NOW! CALL TODAY TO ENROLL CALL TODAY TO ENROLL Enos Garcia Elementary 575-737-6070 /575-737-6095 Ranchos Elementary 505-758-5202 ABOUT: We are a Community School that brings together community resources to sup port the success of our students and families. MISSION= Educate all students to reach their fulest potential for future success. VISION: We will lead the way in becoming the best Elementary in the State of New Mexico by preparing out students for an ever changing world. ABOUT: Ranchos Elementary Prek is the best because we are a family here. We all get along, we eat together, we play together, and we learn together. We also learn important family values such as being kind, working as a team, and being responsible for our own well being. We start the day with a smile and we end the day still smiling! Leaming is fun at Ranchos Elementary Prek! 66 66 The Enos Garcia Ranchos pre-k program has supported our daughters through the transition from Pre-K Program was the perfect school to integrate our son into the social and academic headstart to grade school. Thank you for providing a kind, caring setting he craved. Even during the limitations of the Siba past year, the Program and it's amazing staff and creative environment for our daughters to were innovative learn. " and successful - GERALD, NIOME, ALYSSA & MARIA in making the kids feel part of a classroom." - DEANE SILVA & PALOMA ROMO, PARENTS TO JESSE FALL 2021 OPEN ENROLLMENT IS NOW! CALL TODAY TO ENROLL CALL TODAY TO ENROLL Enos Garcia Elementary 575-737-6070 /575-737-6095 Ranchos Elementary 505-758-5202 ABOUT: We are a Community School that brings together community resources to sup port the success of our students and families. MISSION= Educate all students to reach their fulest potential for future success. VISION: We will lead the way in becoming the best Elementary in the State of New Mexico by preparing out students for an ever changing world. ABOUT: Ranchos Elementary Prek is the best because we are a family here. We all get along, we eat together, we play together, and we learn together. We also learn important family values such as being kind, working as a team, and being responsible for our own well being. We start the day with a smile and we end the day still smiling! Leaming is fun at Ranchos Elementary Prek!