THE ELEVATION OF TAOS IS 6969FT BUT OUR FLOWER IS ALWAYS 420 NICE:) DREAMZ DISPENSARY VISIT ONLINE OR IN-STORE! LOCATED IN THE ENCHANTED CIRCLE. 1128 Paseo del Pubelo Sur Suite A Taos, 87571 Please Consume Responsibly 21+ (1) for use only by adults 21 and older; (2) keep out of reach of children; (3) this product is not approved by the FDA to treat, cure, or prevent any disease. FDA has not evaluated this product for safety, effectiveness, and quality: (4) do not drive a motor vehicle or operate machinery while under the influence of cannabis; and (5) there may be long term adverse health effects from consumption of cannabis, including additional risks for women who are or may become pregnant or are breastfeeding. 0 SHOP NOW! SRB THE ELEVATION OF TAOS IS 6969FT BUT OUR FLOWER IS ALWAYS 420 NICE :) DREAMZ DISPENSARY VISIT ONLINE OR IN - STORE ! LOCATED IN THE ENCHANTED CIRCLE . 1128 Paseo del Pubelo Sur Suite A Taos , 87571 Please Consume Responsibly 21+ ( 1 ) for use only by adults 21 and older ; ( 2 ) keep out of reach of children ; ( 3 ) this product is not approved by the FDA to treat , cure , or prevent any disease . FDA has not evaluated this product for safety , effectiveness , and quality : ( 4 ) do not drive a motor vehicle or operate machinery while under the influence of cannabis ; and ( 5 ) there may be long term adverse health effects from consumption of cannabis , including additional risks for women who are or may become pregnant or are breastfeeding . 0 SHOP NOW ! SRB