Celebiating Educatov Excellence Taos Municipal School District Pre K programs Taos Schools provides school services either direcitly or throagh ear partners at Youth developmet INC to students down to age 2 At both Ranchos Elemeotary and Enos Garcia Elementary we have NM PREKprograma for students who turn 4 ears old by Spt Ist. The purpose ofour Pr-K programs is to ensure the children in our community have the oppertunity to attend a bigh quality carly childhood oducation peogram befone entering kindergartem We beliewe every child asunquet Garcia elementary. These proprams and abilaies that are to be are managed by YDI and failies celebeated and nartured. With are encouraged so comact themo an adall-child o of 1-10, enquire about the programs Phone we are ale to ocusn school 575-758-25 Areadiness skills through These peograms are fell are served in their Monday- Thanday. NM Pre the sites to see students and peovide X is a statoride model for Pre imerventions and cosching foe K kearning that emphasines smdents families and their teachers pee reading, writing and mumber ene skilis throughE self selecteld play centers and whole group lessonn. s and teadhees are 0uraged to converse with each during the day to develop approgerilate langeage K we have a total of 0 ts available o students Students are proxided with bwakfast and lunch served family stylk" in the lassroom cach day Slots ane allocated on a first come first serve basis so families are encouraged to contact the school near their home to get on the waiting list. Ranchos Elementary-37-6350 and Enos Garcia Elemenlary 733-6172 For 3 year eld studenes, Taos School Distrkt partsers with Youth Development Inc (YD) to provide space at Arroyos Elementary and Enos Choice Splash Home Internet - High-Speeds Now Available at Your Home! dip $30/mo. $40/mo. $6O/mo. $80/mo swim dive surf Suggested use: Suggested use Swim plus Light gaming Dive plus Gaming HD Video Navigate the web Dip plus Shop Share pictures Instagram Light Video 2Mbps down 1Mbps up 4Mbps down 2Mbps up 6Mbes down 2Mbps up 9ueo down 2Mbos up vNo Limits v-No Caps No Throttling Setup as low as $99! tor 2 year eauipment lesing available Choice Wiereess-1128 Paseo del Pueblo Sur (Behind Subway). Taos-(575) 741-0000 choice