Chabad of Taos Center for Jewish Life Presents THE CHANUKAH COMMUNITY CELEBRATION Sunday, December 2nd, 5:00pm at the Taos Community Auditorium Happy NEW! POP CORN MENORAH! Lit with Mayor Dan Barrone Open to bl OLIVE PRESS IS BACK: Make your own olive oil! NY Style Deli: Pastrami and corned beef on rye with all trimmings Lively Chanukah Music! Hilarious potatoe peeling contest. CHILDREN: Decorate your own donuts. Adorable sand art. Latkes, donuts & Chicken soup with Matzah balls! please contact: 575-751-1323 Tie place to be this Chanukafo» For Hanukah NOVEMBER h- Jan CENTINEL BANK (575) 768 8s Drop oE locations Cids -Smits -Taos Public Library TISA-Taos Hospital-Wanda Lucerro Agency Enos Garcia Elementry Taos Charter School Super Save -Substance of Taos FormoreinformationontheChanukah event ortheToyDrive pleasecontact575-751-1323 cs ifo0ewishaosoom