HS DIANE ENRIGHT Assoc. Broker BERKSHIRE HATHAWAY HomeServices BRANDON ROSE Buyer's Broker Taos Real Estate FROM OUR HOME TO YOURS STAY HOME. . STAY SAFE. BE WELL. Warm regards, Diane, Brandon, and Janet Diane Enright 575-758-5478 or Brandon Rose 575-779-9315 www.taoshomes.com C2020 BHH Afiates, LLC. An independently operated sub- sidiary of HomeServices of America, Inc. a Berkshire Hath- away affiate, and a franchisee of BHH Affiates, LLC. Berk- shire Hathaway HomeServices and the Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices symbol are registered service marks of Ho- meServices of America, Inc. Equal Housing Opportunity BERKSHIRE Taos HATHAWAY HomeServices 575-758-1924 Real Estate MLS R A HS DIANE ENRIGHT Assoc. Broker BERKSHIRE HATHAWAY HomeServices BRANDON ROSE Buyer's Broker Taos Real Estate FROM OUR HOME TO YOURS STAY HOME. . STAY SAFE. BE WELL. Warm regards, Diane, Brandon, and Janet Diane Enright 575-758-5478 or Brandon Rose 575-779-9315 www.taoshomes.com C2020 BHH Afiates, LLC. An independently operated sub- sidiary of HomeServices of America, Inc. a Berkshire Hath- away affiate, and a franchisee of BHH Affiates, LLC. Berk- shire Hathaway HomeServices and the Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices symbol are registered service marks of Ho- meServices of America, Inc. Equal Housing Opportunity BERKSHIRE Taos HATHAWAY HomeServices 575-758-1924 Real Estate MLS R A