
Lynn Started Carving, Painting, and Producing Her Retablos in 1993. The Collection Has Grown to More than 125 Individual Images Representing, Blessings and Protection with Patronages and Prayers to Address Most Aspects of Our Daily Lives. The Workshop Is Located in the High Desert Town of Taos, New Mexico, a Landscape Richly Steeped in Religious Iconography and History. The Retablo, or ʻboard Behind the Altarʼ, Was Originally Created in New Mexico in the 1800ʼs in Response to the Lack of Bibles and Icons Being Sent from the Church in Rome. The Santero (Saint Maker) Painted Retablos from Pigment Collected and Ground from the Local Surroundings. The Boards Were Hand-hewn Usually of Ponderosa Pine with Tin. The Practice Has Carried down Through the Generations and Is Still Done This Way Today. Lynn Paints Her Originals Retablos on Traditional Pine Boards Carving and Then Painting Them with Watercolor or Occasionally Oil and Finishes Them with a Polyurethane. To Create Her Production Work the Images, like the Examples Shown Here, Are Mounted on 3/4 Inch Pine Boards for the Large and Small Sizes and 1/8 Inch Baltic Birch for the Ornaments and Pockets. The Retablos Are Offered in 4 Different Sizes, with Prices Ranging from $6.00 to $32.00. The Sizes Are Priced by Width of the Board Starting from 1.5 Inches to 5.5 Inches.

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