Taos presents Onstage "...a dramedy...with laugh-out-loud social commentary on aging in America..." -BroadwayWorld.com 20th Century a play BLUES by Susan Miller Directed by Karen Paull April 20-23; 27-30, 2023 Thursday- Saturday-7:30 pm; Sundays, 2 pm. Tickets $20 www.taosonstage.com/tickets at the... Wild Flower PLAYHOUSE 1339 Paseo Del Pueblo Sur Taos presents Onstage " ... a dramedy ... with laugh - out - loud social commentary on aging in America ... " -BroadwayWorld.com 20th Century a play BLUES by Susan Miller Directed by Karen Paull April 20-23 ; 27-30 , 2023 Thursday- Saturday - 7 : 30 pm ; Sundays , 2 pm . Tickets $ 20 www.taosonstage.com/tickets at the ... Wild Flower PLAYHOUSE 1339 Paseo Del Pueblo Sur