Yiya Vi Kagingdi COMMUNITY DOULA TRAINING A comprehensive full spectrum training rooted in the teachings, values and beliefs of Tewa Women United We welcome applications from all New Mexico residents Deadline to apply Classes will be held in Española* is APPLY HERE: November www.tewawomenunited.org (click on Indigenous Womens Health tab) 5th 2019 505-210-8144 doulas@tewawomenunited.org TEWA WOMEN UNITED xe Doula graduates and staff from 2018/2019 training Yiya Vi Kagingdi COMMUNITY DOULA TRAINING A comprehensive full spectrum training rooted in the teachings, values and beliefs of Tewa Women United We welcome applications from all New Mexico residents Deadline to apply Classes will be held in Española* is APPLY HERE: November www.tewawomenunited.org (click on Indigenous Womens Health tab) 5th 2019 505-210-8144 doulas@tewawomenunited.org TEWA WOMEN UNITED xe Doula graduates and staff from 2018/2019 training