66 Our granddaughter has been living with us since she was 2 years old. When time came to decide what school she would attend, my wife and I and her father, a single parent, reviewed ratings and visited local schools. We selected ADNE. We have found the administration, teachers, and all the staff, both friendly, helpful, and encouraging not only to us, but especially to Savannah. She has excelled in her studies and enjoys going to her classes. We feel "We have found the administration, teachers, and all the staff, both friendly, helpful, and encouraging! fortunate that she is 66 attending such a fine school and in such a beautiful setting" - DONALD, BLANCA AND SAVANNAH WARD FALL 2021 TAOS TGERS MISSION: Our mission at ADNE is to provide an innovative STEAM education that values student wellness and instills confidence to pursue global career pathways. OPEN ENROLLMENT IS NOW! CALL TODAY TO ENROLL Arroyos Del Norte Elementary 505.737.6175 66 Our granddaughter has been living with us since she was 2 years old. When time came to decide what school she would attend, my wife and I and her father, a single parent, reviewed ratings and visited local schools. We selected ADNE. We have found the administration, teachers, and all the staff, both friendly, helpful, and encouraging not only to us, but especially to Savannah. She has excelled in her studies and enjoys going to her classes. We feel "We have found the administration, teachers, and all the staff, both friendly, helpful, and encouraging! fortunate that she is 66 attending such a fine school and in such a beautiful setting" - DONALD, BLANCA AND SAVANNAH WARD FALL 2021 TAOS TGERS MISSION: Our mission at ADNE is to provide an innovative STEAM education that values student wellness and instills confidence to pursue global career pathways. OPEN ENROLLMENT IS NOW! CALL TODAY TO ENROLL Arroyos Del Norte Elementary 505.737.6175