ESSENTIAL BUSINESSES PER PUBLIC HEALTH ORDER On March 23. 2020. New Mexico Department of Health announced a new public health emergency order supending operations of all businesses and nongrofit enties except for those deemed essential, and further sestricting mass gatherings due to the COVID-19 pandemic. All New Mexicans must immediately heed the directive to ay home except as needed to maintain continuity of functions ortical to public health and salety. This list does not indlude government services, which are unaffected by this order. The following is a list of private operations deemed esential per that order: HEALTHCARE/ PUBLIC HEALTH ENERGY Hospital Walkin-care heatn faces Emergency veterinary and livestock services Gan and ol dring and retring Dectrical production and distributon Natural resources extration or mining operations Ues, incuding their contracton and weplers, engaged in power generation. fuel supply and tranmsion Phanmacies Medical and wholesale and disvibon Home heath care workers or ades for the elderly erpydeaetacties Nursing MANUFACTURE Food processing Chemical, Feneer Pharmacetah Sanitary products Household paper products, Telecommunications Microelectronicusemiconductors. Primary metala Machinery. Blectrical equipment, Appliance, Components Tramportation eqipment l rthoewith intellectulor develoomental diabiltien Supportive living homes Home health care providen DEFENSE RESEARCH Medcal wpplie and equipment manufactues and provides Laboratories Medical cannabis Defense and national security-related operations supporting the us government oauS. govenment contractor EMERGENCY SERVICES Law entorcement personel, First responders TRANSPORTATION Fuefighters, Emergency management personnel Dipatch opertors Cort personnel Airport e Aines Taxis and other private tarsportation providers Gan stations CHILDCARE Facisies necessary to provide services to those workers employed by esential businessen and ensential non profit entitien. Automoble repar facte Retalers who generate most of their revenue from the sale of automobile repai products INDIGENT CARE Homeles shelten Food banks SERVICE SECTOR Other services providing care to indigent or needy population Pumber, Electricians, Security services, Custodial services Other skilled trades necessary to maintaining the safety INFRASTRUCTURE OPERATIONS works construction Commecial and residential construction and maintenance Uites incudingt and waste water pply Sewer, h and recycling collection, processing and dsposal Road and highway repair and construction Solid waste collection and removal and sanitation of residences Businesses providing maling and thipping services, including post office bowes g their contractors and suppliers, Involved in water PROFESSIONAL SERVICES Legal services as necessary to asst in complance with legaly mandated activities Accounting services as necessary to asit in complance with legally mandated activtles Nuclear material research and enrichment Data and internet providers Data centers FINANCIAL SERVICES Telecommunication ntems Banks, Credit unions, Imurance providers Payroll services. Brokerage services Investment management ferma roOD AND AGRICULTURE Farm ranches and other food eutivation procesing or packaging operations Grocery stores and supemarkets MEDIA Television. Radia, Newipper operations All food and beverage stores Food banks MISCELLANEOUS Essental manufacturing Laboranories and defense and national secuityrelated operations upporting the US. govemment or a contractor to the US. government Hardware stores, nuseries and buoinesses that generate most of the everue fom the sale cof home improvement goods Laundromats and dry cleaner services Oer businesses that generate most of ther evetue from the sale of canned food, dry goods. fresh fruits and vegetables, pet food, fresh meats, fish and poultry, and any other household consumer products Businesses that stoen, shipor deliver groceries, food, goods or services Funeal homes cremanoriuma and cemeteries directy to residences or retalers Restaurants, but only for delivery or cary Real estate services induding brokers le companies and related service We are all in this together! Coronavirus Health Hotline Coronavirus Info Hotline NMDOH Coronavirus Site 1-855-600-3453 1-833-551-0518 For questions relating to school closures, job issues, etc. For HEALTH related quesitons. Public resource for all thing COVID-19. Town of Taos will be open to the public Monday thru Thursdays, between 10am and 2pm. Closed on Fridays. / 575-751-2002 ESSENTIAL BUSINESSES PER PUBLIC HEALTH ORDER On March 23. 2020. New Mexico Department of Health announced a new public health emergency order supending operations of all businesses and nongrofit enties except for those deemed essential, and further sestricting mass gatherings due to the COVID-19 pandemic. All New Mexicans must immediately heed the directive to ay home except as needed to maintain continuity of functions ortical to public health and salety. This list does not indlude government services, which are unaffected by this order. The following is a list of private operations deemed esential per that order: HEALTHCARE/ PUBLIC HEALTH ENERGY Hospital Walkin-care heatn faces Emergency veterinary and livestock services Gan and ol dring and retring Dectrical production and distributon Natural resources extration or mining operations Ues, incuding their contracton and weplers, engaged in power generation. fuel supply and tranmsion Phanmacies Medical and wholesale and disvibon Home heath care workers or ades for the elderly erpydeaetacties Nursing MANUFACTURE Food processing Chemical, Feneer Pharmacetah Sanitary products Household paper products, Telecommunications Microelectronicusemiconductors. Primary metala Machinery. Blectrical equipment, Appliance, Components Tramportation eqipment l rthoewith intellectulor develoomental diabiltien Supportive living homes Home health care providen DEFENSE RESEARCH Medcal wpplie and equipment manufactues and provides Laboratories Medical cannabis Defense and national security-related operations supporting the us government oauS. govenment contractor EMERGENCY SERVICES Law entorcement personel, First responders TRANSPORTATION Fuefighters, Emergency management personnel Dipatch opertors Cort personnel Airport e Aines Taxis and other private tarsportation providers Gan stations CHILDCARE Facisies necessary to provide services to those workers employed by esential businessen and ensential non profit entitien. Automoble repar facte Retalers who generate most of their revenue from the sale of automobile repai products INDIGENT CARE Homeles shelten Food banks SERVICE SECTOR Other services providing care to indigent or needy population Pumber, Electricians, Security services, Custodial services Other skilled trades necessary to maintaining the safety INFRASTRUCTURE OPERATIONS works construction Commecial and residential construction and maintenance Uites incudingt and waste water pply Sewer, h and recycling collection, processing and dsposal Road and highway repair and construction Solid waste collection and removal and sanitation of residences Businesses providing maling and thipping services, including post office bowes g their contractors and suppliers, Involved in water PROFESSIONAL SERVICES Legal services as necessary to asst in complance with legaly mandated activities Accounting services as necessary to asit in complance with legally mandated activtles Nuclear material research and enrichment Data and internet providers Data centers FINANCIAL SERVICES Telecommunication ntems Banks, Credit unions, Imurance providers Payroll services. Brokerage services Investment management ferma roOD AND AGRICULTURE Farm ranches and other food eutivation procesing or packaging operations Grocery stores and supemarkets MEDIA Television. Radia, Newipper operations All food and beverage stores Food banks MISCELLANEOUS Essental manufacturing Laboranories and defense and national secuityrelated operations upporting the US. govemment or a contractor to the US. government Hardware stores, nuseries and buoinesses that generate most of the everue fom the sale cof home improvement goods Laundromats and dry cleaner services Oer businesses that generate most of ther evetue from the sale of canned food, dry goods. fresh fruits and vegetables, pet food, fresh meats, fish and poultry, and any other household consumer products Businesses that stoen, shipor deliver groceries, food, goods or services Funeal homes cremanoriuma and cemeteries directy to residences or retalers Restaurants, but only for delivery or cary Real estate services induding brokers le companies and related service We are all in this together! Coronavirus Health Hotline Coronavirus Info Hotline NMDOH Coronavirus Site 1-855-600-3453 1-833-551-0518 For questions relating to school closures, job issues, etc. For HEALTH related quesitons. Public resource for all thing COVID-19. Town of Taos will be open to the public Monday thru Thursdays, between 10am and 2pm. Closed on Fridays. / 575-751-2002